Catholic Priest Enters Islam - In Florida
Another Catholic Priest Enters Islam - Why?
Why Do Priests Enter Islam?
More Prophets? After Muhammad?
New Prophets . .
After Muhammad?
Gays in Islam? Are You Kidding?
Does Islam Say:
Riba Monster 'Eats' Euro Dollar
Debt Contagion Invades Euros
"Allah Permits Trade
And Forbids Usury"
What is 15,724,907,364,995?
Was Jesus A Catholic?
Was Jesus A Catholic?
What Does it Mean?
Where Does it Come From?
News We Need (old & new)
Syria Still Under Siege - Why?
Nude Body Scans Cause Cancer?
Was Jesus Born (really?)
Laws Against 'God's Laws'?
..and other NEWS WE NEED !
Sun Rising From West? Scientists Worried
Scientists Fear
Earth "Tipping"
Wife: Complete or Finish?
Complete or Finshed
What's the Question?
NYPD Spying on Muslim Students
New York Police Watching
Muslim Students on the Web
(Islam Newsroom Report)
Homosexual Bishop Claims Power for Church in Sweden
Lesbian Bishop Using Her "Power" for the "Powerless"?
The newly-elected Lutheran bishop of Stockholm says that being a lesbian means she wants to stand alongside people who feel powerless.
Bishop Eva Brunne said it clear on the website of the Church of Sweden immediately after being elected, "I'm in the lucky position of power, and I can help those who have no power."
As the first Bishop of the Church of Sweden to be in a registered homosexual partnership, Brunne is currently the dean of the Stockholm diocese.
Homophobia vs. Islamophobia (Gays? Muslims? Gay-Muslims?)
Muslims say "I love you!" other Muslims (for the sake of Allah)
Christians Defend Mosque?
Mosque in Tennessee Shut Down
Who Speaks UP?
Real Christians Sign Petition
Do Muslims Speak Out?
NPA Supports SlA In Syria (why?)
France's NPA with Syria's SLA
For "Reasons of Their Own"?
Burn Qurans? OK? Why?
If They Burn Quran,
What Do We Do? (read)
Jewish Cancel Anti-Islam Lady
Jewish Group Cancels
Anti-Islam Hate Leader
US Military Teaching Hate Islam
U.S. Military School
Teaches Anti-Islam
Homosexuals? What Does Islam Really Say?
Are UK Muslims Less Tolerant of "Gays" - Than Other European Muslims?
A Poll Says "Yes"
U.K. -- According to a recent poll, the Muslims of the United Kingdom seem to be much less tolerant of the idea of Muslims becoming "gays" (homosexuals) than the Muslims of other European countries, France in particular.
Out of one thousand and one Muslims interviewed, not one accepted homosexual acts to be appropriate. While surprising to some, this clearly indicates British Muslims to be more adherent to the simple and basic interpretations of Islamic teachings.
This has liberals and modernists in an uproar, claiming the UK is home to the "Most orthodox and backward Islam in the world".
Homosexuals and their supporters say Jews, Christians and Muslims who do not consider homosexuality as being O.K. are "homophobic". One claims that, "Islam does not have established reform movements, making it too easy for orthodox Islam to be spread."
Rage Boy? or Photo-Shop Boy? (Liars)
You Think They Lied?
You're Right! And Here's Proof
Husni Mubarak: DEAD
Is Mubarak Dead?
Reports in Egypt Say "Yes"
Egypt's Military Fights to Retain Power After Election
Supporters Celebrate Morsi Win
But is it Just Another Fake Victory?
FBI Investigates Mosque Burning
C.A.I.R. Does CARE
Calls FBI to Investigate Mosque Buring