Yusuf Estes Personal Story of Hardship AFTER He Came to Islam & Why Bad Things Happen
If There's A God . .
Why Do Bad Things Happen?
Exciting Precious Gem
Discovered in Strange Places
Daddy, Tell Me About God . . 'Allah'
God Allah?
Answers For Kids
& big people too
Blizzard at Guide US TV
We lost electricity! We lost Internet!
But we didn't lose faith in Allah
Help keep the message on the air!
It really looks like this right hereÂÂ today
[click for full size]
Burning Quran? Bible? (video) Yusuf Estes Says Dangerous Mistakes
Burn Bible? Or Quran? Why? [video click Here]
Taliban "Bans" Talks (Why?)
Yusuf Estes in Jordan's Jaresh Roman Ruins
Yusuf Estes New Series
Filming at Jordan Jaresh Ruins
Yusuf Estes Norway Visit
Allah's Salvation for Jonah
Something "Fishy" About This Story?
Ancient Bible Found in Jerusalem
Ancient Bible Found in Jerusalem
Real Jesus Is "Servant of God"?
Bible to Muslims: Yusuf Estes Changes His Mind About
4,500 yr Old Ancient Discovery in Egypt
Oldest Hieroglyphics Discovery
Egyptian Port Found on Red Sea
Cna Yuo Raed Tihs? Tehn clcik & Raed
Tmie For Smoe Fun!
Rgiht? Srue!
Marriage? Why Bother?
Why Should Muslims Get Married?
Why Not Just Live Together?
New Islamic Marriage?
Islam Out of Date?
New Marriage Contract?
New Relationships for Men-Women?