Answers to Quiz: What's Islam

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Answers to the Quiz
"What's Islam?"

Which of the following is true about real, practicing Muslims?
A: They live all around the world & when all are counted they outnumber all other faiths.
When taken into consideration the real practicing followers of their religion, the Sunnis, Shiites and various sects are added together the combined Muslims exceed close to 2 billion people and they outnumber any other faith group on earth.

NOTE: Some census takers have mistakenly estimated Christianity to be the majority population in many African Countries based only on statements from missionaries living in those areas, while actual reports indicate the opposite to be true.


Can you name the first city of Islam?


B: Bakkah (called Makkah today) in modern-day Saudi Arabia

Bakkah is the city mentioned in the book of Genesis when talking about Abraham's journey. It has always been referred to as the original place of "Allah's House" (Baitu-llah)

Note: the word for house in Arabic is beyt (beth in Hebrew) and is referred to as "booth" in Genesis.


What does it take to become a Muslim?
C: Just say out loud the declaration of faith, “There is no God for worship except Allah and Muhammad is his messenger”


Muslims are expected to put their faith into action through the ‘five pillars of Islam’. One of them is called Zakat, and it means:
A: Give 2.5% of their wealth every year directly to the proor people.
Which statement is most correct about the Quran?
C: Quran means "Recitation" and refers to the recital given to Muhammad by an angel of God for over two decades, piece by piece. Every Muslim knows and recites portions of it in the original Arabic.
What best describes Islam's attitude toward women?
C: Women are to be treated as "Queen of the home" with Paradise being at the feet of the mother and the mother having more rights over you than anyone else, even the father - and they can not be married until they are of proper age and even then only by their own choice.
Which is most accurate about Muhammad, peace be upon him, and is proven by historical evidences?

C: Prophet Muhammad was honest, humble, shy and a loving husband and father, who never lied and never committed major sins.


Note: There is more accurate and historical information in existence today on Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, than any other person in history, whether fictional or non-fictional.

Which of these three religions best describes the religion of Adam...

C: He fulfilled prophecies & predictions of old


Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, fulfilled the predictions and prophecies of previous prophets and scriptures and he made predictions which have come true exactly as predicted.


NOTE: please read the following two answers and notes for clarification.
Which religion does God (Allah) refer to as the correct religion - for Adam and all of his descendants?

C: Hanif only (Worshipping God as One God)

This was sort of a "trick" question for both Muslims and Non-Muslims.

The word "hanif" means monotheism and this is the one and only religion since the time of Adam until the last day.
NOTE: The word "Islam" actually means how someone goes about worshipping only one God and does not mean a new religion.

Which of the following best describes Islam’s opinion of Christianity and Judaism?

A: Christians and Jews should be respected as ‘people of the book’.

Quran says Christians and Jews are believers if they follow their prophets and the revelation coming with them (originally). Even today their could be "believers" from them, as long as they are not fasiq (disobedient). [Quran 3:110]
 As a matter of fact, Islam accepts both the original Torah (Old Testament) and Gospel (New Testament) in their original form and language, as being from the very same God, Allah.

NOTE: Islam teaches: anyone who learns of the truth of monotheism, Islam in submission to God in peace and the message of the Quran and Muhammad, peace be upon him, and accepts to follow God's religion (Islam), they will be dwellers of Paradise in the Next Life.



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#15 Penny 2015-04-14 20:30
I knew nothing of Islam or your faith but I passed your test how can that be when I know nothing of your religion it is called Faith to believe in God aka allah to which is God aka allah one in the same for God is a "Jelous God" who made "many deciples around the world to teach his faith in many ways so God can reach many
"For I will send down more deciples upon you so you may learn and grow" Would acceptance of any whom truely believe in God aka allah not be a trial point ? Or a test of your Faith in God aka Allah "Many will strike those who truely believe they will be persecuted but hold fast to thy faith for as long as thy faith endures so shall you? Any who believe in God and Jesus Know that
In our hearts God does what he has to do to make all see and come to know him. But also he does not agree with killing in his name for his words to all not just jews but nonjews as they became accepted Jesus told all "Follow my father Gods words" I Follow God aka allah and son
#14 Abbas 2015-01-26 04:18
Salam, most answers are straight forward. i suggest you make further future test answers format to be based on religion intelligence test. Well my opinion on question 10, is Jews & Christians should be considered as people of the book ONLY. But no man should be respected after deliberately and intentionally turning down the only vivid and attested truth about Allah (God) cos the later (Jews) known the truth, possessed the truth with them and see the only truth in Islam but foolishly denounced. As for the former (Christians) whom according to the bible the earlier Christians were told about their limited metal capacity to comprehend the message at that time and were advise by the Prophet Isah (Jesus PBUH)to wait for the arrival of the comforter (Rasulullah) to clear everything for them but foolishly also (as i may say)move to give their own interpretation of the message and the result is them falling astray. Alhamdulillah and may Allah continue to guide us to the straight path Ameen.
#13 Bahia 2014-09-22 02:50
I got 10 of 10! so happy that I know well about Islam. Barak Allahu Fikom.
#12 Aaqil Abu Dejajah 2014-08-14 15:32
el-hamdulilah, I got 9 out of 10.. I know that Jews and Christians are people of the book, but the Quran does supersede the previous ones since they were corrupted... ma sha Allah.. Salam Alaykum wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatu
#11 Dita rahayu 2013-09-07 11:45
Wow.... Was i born became a muslim. But i got 8 of 10 lol.... Poor me... Idk mybe im not good to learning english language :P. So... Congratz to brother n sister who got 10 of 10 :D
#10 Yusuf Estes 2013-08-07 03:50
Salam alaykum (peace),
I was surprised how many people enjoyed this "test". I thought we are supposed to avoid the "tests of life"?
Thanks for reading, rating and sharing this article...
#9 Dante 2012-08-27 01:40
Is It a fact that Islam is the major religion in the world?I thought it was Christianity. I read about it in Wikipedia by the way.
I got correct answers for all the question except #1.

EDITOR: You are right to some extent. But not according to the Catholic Church. In one of our articles we reported, Monsignor Vittorio Formenti, the compiler of the 2008 Pontifical Yearbook and director of the Vatican statistical service, said, the number of Muslims has overtaken that of Catholics worldwide.
Here's the link
#8 Candice 2012-04-17 11:48
I got all correct though #9 was tricky! I failed the Jesus test though & I was a Chrisitan before embracing islam. hmmmm.
#7 Hakim 2012-03-18 20:23
i got 1o out of 10 alxamdulilah
#6 Taufik 2012-03-18 11:45
The answer #8 is totally different with the question. Please correct it.

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