ISLAM #1 Say Catholics

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Read All About it - ISLAM IS #1

meeting with POPE
Catholic Church Says Islam is #1

It is Official: Catholic Church Admits - "Islam is Now the World's #1 Religion!"

with pope Mons Vittorio Formenti

Yusuf Estes comments included in this article..
(originally came out in April of 2008)

The Catholic Church has finally admitted (although with many excuses) -

Vatican City - headquarters of the Catholic Church & home to the new pope - Released the Official Statement (click, read & SHARE):

Allah Almaighty Said in the Quran:

'It is Allah Who has send His messenger (Muhammad, peace be upon him) with guidance and the Way (religion) of truth (pure monotheism) to make it victorious over all religions (ways), even though the pagans (polytheists, idolators and disbelievers) hate it."
(Quran chapter 61, verse 9)

The Roman Catholic Church startled the religious and secular world today, with the official announcement - admitting:

"ISLAM has now become the world's largest religion - the Vatican newspaper said in Sunday's "Vatican City"

'For the first time in history, we are no longer at the top: Muslims have overtaken us,' Monsignor Vittorio Formenti said in an interview with the Vaticannewspaper L'Osservatore Romano.

Formenti compiles the Vatican's yearbook. He said that Catholics accounted for 17.4 percent of the world population — a stable percentage —

While Muslims are more than estimated, around twenty five per cent (25%) - Yusuf Estes

'It is true that while Muslim families, as is well known, continue to make alot of children, Christian ones on the contrary tend to have fewer and fewer,' the monsignor said. Formenti also said that the data refers to 2006. The figures on Muslims were put together by Muslim countries and then provided to the United Nations, he said, stating the Vatican could only vouch for its own information.

It could be the Muslim population is even higher than they willing to admit. - Yusuf Estes

Even considering all types of Christians together and not just Catholics - all together are about 30% of the world's population. Spokesmen for the Vatican and the United Nations did not immediately returnphone calls seeking comment Sunday.


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#42 Asif 2014-09-25 02:56
Honestly, I do think that Islam has been the largest religion for some time now. It's just that the Muslim population is so high that the catholics are admitting Islam to be the largest religion as of recent, although it probably was for a long time. It's foolish taking statistics from third party sources.
#41 Tiang Lampu PJU 2014-04-19 15:05
Good news.
#40 abdul mobin Quraishi 2013-12-04 04:51
o all the people of the world, i say to all of you that first read the bible or your own book then read the holy Qur'an and then make the judgement. you may find the peace TV channel or MR Dr. Zaker Naik speech about the reality. finally you should understand that the last version of religion is Islam
#39 chance 2013-11-30 15:22
It is not true talk. Is Chatolic church different from Christians
#38 ajay 2013-10-12 16:01
Alhamdullillah. Allah akbar!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!
#37 Jesus 2013-08-31 19:42
Islam is the Truth. I actually Found Jesus Through Islam. Anyone that Reads the Quran from cover to cover and then
#36 mohamed riyas 2013-06-17 21:44
offcourse.all of the world population will be in islam.see if the future
#35 Yousouf ismail 2013-05-15 21:36
So sad that Muslims need a little pat on their shoulders and they rejoice like little kids when given candies. Prophet said that the Muslims will be plenty in number but but will be useless, like suds (scum) on the water. What have we achieved lately . And also be mindful of reverse psychology people use lest you become complacent and before you know it the others with the munafiks are in your bedroom and you have become more of their slaves. Sorry to say but we are in the bottom of the lot.yes it is true that jist a handful prays and cares for the teachings of Islam ,but the simple mids are always knocking the brothers and sisters who are trying to keep us from being overrun by the imperialist super powers.there is more to Islam then just being in majority.qualit y over quantity any time.
#34 Jameel Mohammad 2013-05-02 04:18
Alhamdulillah. We all must feel proud.
#33 Jameel Mohammad 2013-05-02 04:18
Alhamdulillah. We all must feel proud.

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