Islam Medicines

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Islam's Medicines
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* Islam Medicines *

Our bodies are a source of wonder and appreciation. They were all created by Almighty Allah (God).

The words of Allah (Quran) teaches us the functions of our bodies and how to keep them clean, safe, and how to prevent diseases from attacking them and offers the cure diseases. These topics have always been important issues for Muslims.

Islams Medical ManuscriptsThe National Library of Medicine
Washington, D.C.

Prophet Muhammad,عليه السلام (alayhi salam), himself urged people to "take medicines for your diseases", because people of the time were reluctant to do so. He also said (English translation of the meaning):

"Allah created no illness, except He established a cure for it - except for old age. When the antidote is applied, the patient will recover, God Willing."

 Ibn Sina

But did you know, a Muslim named Ibn Sina (d. June, 1037 C.E.), known as Avicenna to non-Muslims, was the greatest physician, even up to now.
His famous book, “Al Qanun fi al Tibb”, (The Facts of Medicine) was a standard textbook even in Europe, for centuries and is even referred to now in Universities. Ibn Sina's work was built on teachings of Islam, and is still studied in universities, even today.

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