Quran Goes To US Prisons

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1st Time Prisoners
Quran prison recital 2
Read Quran!


"Prison Muslims 'HEAR' Quran At Last"

We wrote this story in hope of getting postage to send at least 40,000 Qurans to prisoners around the country. There is only good intended. (signed) Yusuf Estes

Quran recorded

"Quran in all it's Glory and Majesty - IS GOING TO PRISON" (inshallah)

At last! This is something we have all been waiting for and are very excited about . .Dawah Partners

Why? ~ People in jail need to hear Allah's most beautiful recitation - AL QURAN.

Most Muslims take the sound of Quran for granted. [True?]

We hear Quran morning, noon, and night - every day. [Right?]
Quran recitation is normal, even expected. [Yes?]

record Quran1

What about new Muslims who accept Islam - in PRISON? [silence!]

Unless a reciter goes into the jail, they never get to really hear Quran in all its beauty and glory.


UFI in Washington, D.C. and Yusuf Estes teamed up together to bring Quran recited by Sheikh Sudais, Sheikh Al Ajmy

CDs are usually forbidden in prisons and jails because sharp edges of broken disks become dangerous weapons.

Will you help? Just help us pay monthly costs of postage!.

We have the truckload of Books & Tapes
Here in US - READY TO GO
arrows move[Dawah Partners]arrows move2left
JUST Help us pay for POSTAGE ONLY

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#6 Praises to ALLAH 2015-12-15 03:48
:D :D :lol:
#5 Yusuf Estes 2015-11-18 13:34
Salam alaykum, Thanks to all of you who donated and helped so many prisoners in US jails to finally hear Quran for first time.
May Allah reward you all (read their comments below..)
#4 Dav Markum 2015-09-29 17:38
In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. I bear witness in open testimony there is no god to worship but Allah and I bear witness Muhammad is His slave and messenger.
We want to say Jezakulala kayr for the cassettes and Al Qurans you are sending to us each month.
Could you please alos include a few prayer rugs, beads and caps in next mailing.
Also Big Ernie [Abdullah Washington] is no longer our coordinator. He got shipped out.
Thansk and be in peace.
#3 Josh Hilgrim 2015-09-29 17:29
I am writing for Josh Hilgrim who is in High Desert FCI Nevada. He want me to say you big thanks for tapes to hear ther Qoran.
#2 Malcolm Mercer, Lt. 2015-09-29 17:26
Dear Mr. Jusuf, thank you for all books and tapes. Inmates here enjoy hearing these sounds and asked us to write to acknowledge your donation.
Few inmates request a volunteer visit for our facility in November around Thanksgiving time.
#1 Chaplain T. E. 2015-09-29 17:23
Thank you for your donation of 22 libraries of koran cassettes. Many here are pleased to listen for first time.

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