Yusuf Estes on Al Jazeerah TV Wednesday 23

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Yusuf Estes & Ahmad Mansour
"Without Borders"
Al Jazeerah TV
Wednesday July 23, 2014

Doha, Qatar --Wednesday (TODAY) 10 PM Local time in Doha (3PM in New York)
Yusuf Estes on "Without Limits"
Host Ahmad Mansour

Well known Al Jazeerah TV has invited Yusuf Estes to be up against talk show host, Ahmad Mansour.

Scheduled for 3PM (EST) in USA - Event starts 10PM (Doha time) and runs for one hour, inshallah.

Topic "Our Voice in Media" - promoting GUIDE US TV for American audiences.

Some express concern that Mansour, known for his ability to really over pwoer his guests and bring them down, will use his skills on Yusuf Estes. Fasting, giving lectures and standing for the night prayers (taraweh) will certainly leave Estes in a difficult position, if Mansour goes after him.

"I don't think he (Estes) should go on this type of program.." -- J. Andrew, USA

"This is not a good move for him or for Guide US TV." -- Loyal fan in midwest US.

"Sheikh Yusuf doesn't know what he's getting into - This man (Mansour) will destory anyone on his show" -- Mohamed M. Egypt

"Mr. Estes will find out what real television is about, even though it is a Muslim channel" -- M.G. Virginia (USA)

"Why would Mansour use his valueable time just to put Estes on the spot - for an Hour?" -- B. E., Texas

Good question - tune in and find out for sure - today!

1 COMMENTS bottom page


#1 Aya 2014-10-09 02:23
Why would everybody warn against Mansour ? it is right that he's serious & severs sometimes, but he tries to stress guests in a funny way. Besides, he's friendly with such persons as sheikh Estes. I remember him interviewing Kristiane Backer.

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