Muslim Marriage! WHY?

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Islam Newsroom from - "Keys to A Successful Muslim Marriage"

UPDATE: March 3, 2025

If you're not ready to read ALL of this --


You Are NOT Ready to Marry!

Q. "How can we get married the "Halal Way?"

A. Bismillah. Allahu 'Alim (Allah is All-Knowing). You need more information and careful consideration - BEFORE moving forward.

       Muslims want (and should) be working on marriages before and after they get married.

       Islam encourages you to get married, build a home and have children. We don't want to force others to accept us, especially those we love and respect.

       This is spreading all over the world, and has to be taken serioulsy. Think about basics of interaction like this:

  • Knowing the family — A deeper understanding of who they are
  • Let them know the real "you" -- It's their right, and they will know soon anyway
  • Talk with therm about your feeliings -- They need to know you're serious for marriage
  • Limit any conversation between you -- This is so you don't get "involved" too soon.

This is basics of the introduction. But what about "MARRIAGE"? How do you proceed?
Consider the most necessary things for Islamic Marriage and then use 'hikmat' (wisdom) in application. 

If you already know your potential spouse (husband/wife to be) and you have already met face to face — you're already ahead in the game. (IF NOT -- GET BUSY) 

If you haven't met, this takes more effort. You have to be in touch with the 'Waly' (father) or 'Wakil' (guardian) whether you are male or female. Islam does not accept a man and a woman meeting alone together (shayton is the 3rd).

Learn To ForGIVE            

                                   Learn To LIVE


Here are the basics of marriage in Islam (Rules & Regulations28 Tips To Be A Successful (Muslim) Spouse!

  • MARRIAGE is "Half the Deen" (important part of Islam)!
  • Family fights on the rise!
  • Women & children abused!
  • Pornography! Adultery! Incest!
  • DIVORCES happen in religious families — Muslims are no exception.

We ask Allah to accept for us all to have better marriages, and closer relationships with our spouses and their families and to be better in our faith, Ameen!

Here are:

KEYS - For A Successful Marriage

10 keys to marriage

1. Sisters & Brothers These tips are for the Believers - Male & Female. So, both of you, make Du’a to Allah to make your marriage and relationship successful - We all know, as believers, all good things are from Allah. Never forget to ask Allah for the blessing of having a successful marriage that begins in this world and continues on – into Paradise, inshallah.

2. Listen & Obey - ALLAH! (then each other) - First rule of obedience is to Allah, and then the wife to the husband.

Recite it:

 Quran (Surah An-Nisaa' chapter 4, The Women, verse 34):

  • Men (males) are responsible for women (females) because of what Allah has given one over the other (in strength) and they (males) spend (for females maintenance) from their wealth.
  • So righteous women are obedient (to Allah), guarding in (husbands) absence what Allah wants them to guard.
  • But for those (wives) from whom you observe arrogance and refusal, admonish them; (if they persist), leave their beds; and (lastly), tap them (or percuss, like a doctor tapping your back).
  • But if they comply, seek no further means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.

Brothers: First rule of obedience for you is, after Allah and His messenger, who has the most rights? (Your mother, your mother, your mother and then your father). After your parents, who? Your wife (don't pretend you didn't know this).

Sisters: Obeying your husband is obligatory! But what about your husband? Doesn't he have to obey? Your husband is the Ameer (head) of the household. Give him his rights and respect, and Allah will give you your rights.

3. Be Pleasing To Each Other - After what pleases Allah, always seek to please your spouse, this is your key to Jennah.


  • Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us that any woman who dies in a state that her husband is pleased with her, she shall enter Paradise. So, try your best to please him (even when you think it is not worth it - it is still worth it)


  • Did you read the way our prophet, peace be upon him, dealt with his family? Wake Up! You must follow his way in helping with cooking, cleaning and taking care of your own clothes (he did it, you can do it too).

4. Do not get Angry - Arguments are a fire in your home - put out the fire as fast as possible. Our prophet, peace be upon him, said, "Do not become angry! Do not become angry! Do not become angry!" And he told us anger is from the devil (shayton) and the shayton runs through your body like your blood when you become angry.


  • You already know men have a hard time admitting they are wrong. In fact, some men refuse to say it, and this is very dangerous for them, but also for you too. Be careful not to force the issues with him when he is upset. Treat him like the baby that he is imitating. Really, just take it easy and keep your cool. Allah will reward you and inshallah, Allah will guide your husband back on track.


  • You know you are not perfect. Come on now, admit it and get it over with. Say, "I am sorry". You can be the one to extinguish the fire of shayton in your home with a simple ‘I’m sorry’ even if you think it is not your fault.
    When you fight back, you are only adding wood to the fire. Watch how sweetly an argument will end when you just say sincerely, “Look, I’m sorry. Let it go.”

5. Say, "Thank you" to your spouse constantly for the nice things done nicely.


  • Prophet, peace be upon him, taught us; "Whoever does not thank the people, does not thank Allah". So, just go ahead and say, "Thanks honey" and even add "Good job" or "Well done". This is one of the most important techniques. Remember ungratefulness (opposite) is a characteristic of the people of hellfire. May Allah save all of us from that, ameen.


  • When was the last time you said, "Thank you honey" to your wife for cleaning house, washing clothes, ironing, bathing the children, taking them to school, teaching them things? You say, "But she does that every day" -- And that is the point! She is doing this day after day - But where is the pay? Give her something to make her feel worthwhile, say it!

6. Enjoy games, playing and joking around with your spouse:


  • You can play some jokes on your husband, but don't lie or hurt his feelings. Men look for seek women who are light-hearted and have a sense of humor.


  • Our Prophet (peace be upon him) told Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, "Marry someone who makes you laugh and you make her laugh".

7. Dress up  - Look your best, clean & sharp. Islam encourages us to look and act our best in front of everyone, especially loved ones.


  • Wear nice jewelry and dress-up at home for your husband. From the early years, young girls adorned themselves with earrings and bracelets and wore nice dresses – as described in the Qur’an. As a wife, you should continue to use the jewelry and the nice dresses for your husband.


  • Do you think only sisters need to "dress-up"? What about our prophet, peace be upon him? He wore his nicest clothes, he even made sure to wash his own garments. And what about smells? You know how important fragrance is. Don't ever let her smell your stinky sweat. She smells nice for you, so at least put on nice fragrance for her - you do it at the mosque, right?

8. Be like the people of Paradise - Act right, think right and look right (try this tip today)


  • Do you know about the characteristics of the Hoor Al-Ayn (women of paradise)? Islam describes these women with certain characteristics. They wear silk, have beautiful, dark eyes, etc. Here are some ideas: Try it, wear silk for your husband, put eye make-up for your eyes to ‘enlarge’ them, and be sweet to your husband.


  • Where are your spouses going to get the fine silk dresses, provocative lingerie, sweet fragrance and makeup? Quran tells us (Surah 4, verse 34 - above) You are the one responsible to provide - so get with it and start providing.

9. Spread "Peace" - This is in Islam for sure. The Quran talks about it, and our prophet, peace be upon him, said, "You will not enter Paradise until you believe and you will not believe, until you love each another. Shall I direct you to the way to love each other? Spread the "salams" (peace) between you." - narrated by Abu Hurairah


  • When your spouse comes home, give each other the most wonderful greeting of a Muslim - "Salam alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatahu" Peace, Blessings and Mercy of Allah be to you, (and remember to smile).


  • You give the "salams" to everyone you see, even brothers you just met. In fact, you are careful to give anyone you just met good salams - right? But what about your wife? The mother of your children? The one who is making dua for you every day and night? Do you give the proper salams to her, when you should? Entering and leaving the house? When you enter or leave a room?

10. Smile - It costs nothing and buys everything! Who can resist a nice, big, happy smile? It even makes me smile to think about it.


  • Our prophet, peace be upon him, taught us; The smile in the face of our fellow Muslim is an act of charity. So you can keep peace in your family, make a sweet feeling in your home, get rewarded by Allah and maybe even a nice smile back.
    Think how your husband would feel if he came in and found your nice clean home, his wife looking nicely dressed and made up for him, a nice dinner prepared with care, children cleaned up and welcoming him home. It really does help, even if he doesn't say so.


  • When was the last time you smiled at your wife? Can you recall the last time you brought home some flowers, chocolates, a small gift ( (anything haram about nice jewelry brother?)


Don't Read This (Unless You Want A Happy Marriage)



11. Work! BOTH OF YOU! - That's right, you both have family jobs. Work around your house, spend more time with your children, take care of your duties to your partner in this life and the Next Life in Jennah.


  • Look around you. Hey! What's that stack of clothes all about? Why so much clutter everywhere you look? And that kitchen - really? The bedroom looks like someone slept in it? (well, you did - you just forgot to organize it afterwards) And the closet looks like a storage building.
    And the laundry room (seriously?)
    And NO - Your TV doesn't need you - Your home needs you


  • What about lending a hand for the hard things?
    Take time to clean up the bathroom, the basement and the attic. You know, the hard to reach places - where spiders, bugs and insects hang out! Would you do it for your mom? OK. Then do it for your kid's mom (now).
  • Now imagine: A guy comes home, slams open the door, shouts orders, complains about his hard day at work and don't even notice how much his family has to do every day.
    You wouldn't like somebody treating your mom or sister like that (right?).

12. Attraction - Allah Tells us in Quran, He made one male and from him the first female and made all people from them. You know how it works. Charm is the key to attraction. Kindness and understanding are the keys to charm. So, be kind to each other and use your attraction to bring your hearts together.


  • Ask him to Recite Quran or share hadith with you. Listen to him. Let him tell you things about Islam and life (even if you already know everything). 
  • Use your beauty to win the heart of your husband. Every woman has Blessings from Allah, including the "beauties" and "ornaments" for attracting men. But then you already know that, Right?
    OK - So USE THEM.
    Your hair, your eyes, your smile (al ebtisam) and your clothes (and how you wear them), all these can work together to help bring out the man you really want. You know what he likes and get all "fuzzy" in the head.
  • Go straight for his heart.


  • Compliments? Brother, wake up! What's the old saying - "You get sweet things from honey"? (if it's not an old saying, make it a new one). Give her compliments about how she is doing, how she looks, her cooking, her efforts in Islam. She needs to hear from you.
  • She did not want to marry a "couch potato". She wants the cute guy you were when she accepted the marriage proposal.
  • Where is that guy? - Remember him? Nice clothes, shiny shoes, clean smell, soft words, you know - (the way you used to be).



Next: 8 tips to weaken marriage + 8 tips to strengthen marriage.

  • 8 REMINDERS ~ TO WEAKEN Your Marriage:

1)  Misbehaving - saying bad or hateful things, making bad jokes and insulting each other.

2)  Ignore - not replying back to the "salams" or giving each other the good ear to listen and share.

3) Lying - Allah forbids the believers to lie. There is no room in Islam for liars, and may Allah save us from this evil, ameen.

4) Breaking Promises - Keeping a trust is also an important characteristic of a believer.

5) Avoiding Contact - You hug the brothers at the mosque, but what about a "little hug" with your wife? Come on, you can do it.

6) Suspicion & Backbiting - Allah says, "O believers, avoid much suspicion. Certainly suspicion is sinful. And don't spy or backbite each other. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of your dead brother. You would hate it. Fear Allah's punishment. For sure Allah is the Acceptor of repentance, The Merciful." [Quran 49: 12]

7) Too Busy - Take time for each other. You have rights on each other. Give everyone their rights and you will be given your rights.

8) Leaving the worship - Allah will never be pleased with someone who leaves His guidance and does not worship Him. This will cause Muslim families serious problems and even to split up, faster than anything.


  • 8 TIPS ~ TO STRENGTHEN Your Marriage:

1) Good Attitude to Each Other - A Muslim must always have a positive attitude toward life. We say, "Al Hamdulillah" (Praise be to Allah) for whatever He gives us (or doesn't give us).

2) Help Each Other  Our prophet, peace be upon him, stressed the importance of men helping their wives and Allah tells us the importance of women being mates and helpers to their husbands. This is a real "win-win" situation, if we just follow it.

3) Trust Each Other - Muslims, men and women are ordered to be trustworthy and follow the example of our prophet, peace be upon him, as the "Trustworthy".

4) Respect Each Other - You get respect, when you give respect. This is mandatory for all Muslims toward all people, how much more toward the spouse?

5) Joy For Each Other - Our prophet, peace be upon him, used to entertain his wife, Ayesha and she used to play and race with him. She said, "I used to out-run him, but then when I got heavy he used to outrun me". He told us to play with our wives.

6) Time For Each Other - Spend time, alone - together. Go for walks. Take a bus ride. Visit a friend or someone who is ill (you get big rewards for that). Fast together on Mondays & Thursdays if you can. Make hajj - this is a great way to get a "new start" on life. Trust me.

7) Worship With Each Other - SALAT (means our connection with Allah) in our ritual "connections", we find peace together in our connection - Non-Muslims don't get this. Our prophet, peace be upon him, lead his wife in salat, even though he lived connected to the mosque. He told us NOT to make our homes like grave yards (grave yards we don't do salalt). We must offer some of our sunnah prayers at home. Prophet, peace be upon him, told us, our sisters get the most rewards for Salat in her home, in her room, behind a SCREEN.

8) Forgiveness - Last, but certainly not least -- FORGIVE EACH OTHER
Clearly, this is one of the most important aspects of Islam.
Whoever does not forgive - will not be forgiven.
This comes from Allah, Himself. We must learn to forgive each other's mistakes so we won't it against us.

BONUS “TRICKS” To Solve Marriage Problems

Brothers & Sisters - Allah tells us the "Trick" that works to solve problems we just can't seem to handle, in the very next verse (after the one above) in Surah An-Nisaa'.

  • And if you fear fighting between the two (married couple), appoint an arbitrator from his family and an arbitrator from her family. If they both desire reconciliation, Allah will cause it between them. Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Acquainted [with everything]. Quran, surah An-Nisaa (chapter 4, verse 35)

The meaning here is most clear to me:


It is obvious shayton wants you to break up communication, break up the dishes, break up the furniture, break up the relationship, break up the family, break up the children's future . . . 

BUT DON’T DO IT!Follow what Allah tells us and consider what our prophet, peace be upon him, showed us with his life.

Think about it carefully:

Did our prophet, peace be upon him, give up on his wife? (NO)

— Did he ever divorce his wife? (NO)

— Did he ever raise his hand to hit his wife? (NO)

— Did he ever raise his voice to shout at his wife? (NO)

— Did he accuse or suspect bad things of his wife (even when people came with bad stories about her)? (NO)

— Was he patient with his wife? (YES) 
— Even when she tricked him? (YES)

[Read the story of "Honey makes your breath smell bad” in surah At-Tahreem.

Still have problems?

Did you both really try the tips above? We have more...

We have many websites to give help in articles from the finest of English speaking scholars, many of them are personal teachers to me and I know their evidences are from Quran & Sunnah. (excellent articles, videos, audios, Answers to Questions and so much more)

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Again, make dua and ask Allah to help you and your family to have the best in this life and in the Next Life, and forgive us all and protect us from the Hell Fire, ameen.

muslim husband wife

Big Reward from Allah

Help Others Get Married (the right way)


(Do it now - please)

1 COMMENTS bottom page


#87 Yusuf Estes 2024-02-08 02:51
Salam alaykum. Over time, we learn a lot about being married. Sometimes it's too late to benefit from the knowledge we get.
There's much to be said about "Too much, too late".
#86 Our FaceBook page 2017-02-23 10:36
Contact us for more - contact@GuideUS.TV
#85 Ismahan haji 2016-12-07 20:40
Allahmdulillaah . I married 19th months ago, and we are so much happy each other. allahmdulillaah . May Allah swt protect us from shaydaan, and may Allah swt Give us long life with ibadaha and hereafter janatul firdousa ameen. and all the Muslims.
EDITOR: Mabruk, congratulations and may Allah always keep you in HIs protection and safety, ameen.
#84 Jameela 2016-11-02 00:53
#83 Michell watson 2016-06-24 03:31
#82 Ash 2015-11-06 07:55
wonderful article very good tips.
Jazaka Allah may Allah strength our iman, give us patience in facing calamity and make us amongst the people of Jannah.
#81 hadia 2015-10-20 05:59
good effort Allah bless u.............. ...
#80 abu karim amo 2015-05-12 17:52
may Allah reward you for your good work
#79 Fernanda 2015-04-12 22:04
Assalam waleikom wr wb! thank you for sharing this rich article. May Allah reward you!
You write in a way that makes us clearly understand where you want to get. Alhamdellah! I must really thank you, this has really come to my life in the right time. All praises to Allah swt!
#78 nofisat 2015-04-10 23:58
alhamdulilah, 10x 4 dis tips. Thou am not married but looking for a day when it shall come 2 past. i pray Allah make ease 4 mi with chosen.... plsss i v the feelings dat i need ruqyah.

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