'Friend' Becomes Witness Against Him
Often we hear of government agents offering "deals" to Muslims who will spy on each other, or turn states evidence on their own friends, in return for compensation or sometimes just to keep out of jail themselves. The following story may not be one of these, but only Allah Knows for sure - READ:
A young Muslim man, born in Brooklyn, New York could now spend the rest of his natural life - in prison. His name is Betim Kaziu. He's 23 years old. And he's guilty, says the judge - after only 4 hours of consideration of his case, in the Brooklyn Federal Court, following a 2 week trial.
His crime?
According to evidence brought against him, primarily from his life long friend and fellow conspirator - he was thinking how to join a 'mujahedeen' (Arabic for 'combatants') group with the intent to attack American soldiers in Afghanistan.
A panel found Kaziu sought out jihadist training and weapons from Islamic militants overseas.
He now faces life imprisonment after sentencing by Judge John Gleeson, this coming fall, for conspiring to commit murder in a foreign country, conspiring to provide material support to terrorists, attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization and conspiring to use a firearm.
Kaziu held back any emotion as the verdict was read, although his sister was openly crying. Later he smiled and even managed to wave to his family as he was taken out of the courtroom by US Federal Marshals.
This case put these two youths from immigrant families against each other - Kaziu and Sulejmah Hadzovic, his childhood pal and fellow 'jihadist', who switched sides to become the chief witness for the prosecution.
Both grew up from boyhood in New Yorker where they were born to immigrant families from the former Yugoslavia. They began a strong friendship in seventh grade, playing video games and watching their favorite TV shows together. But somewhere along the line, they lost their way and both dropped out of high school and began to be influenced by extremists on the Internet calling to "jihadist" movements.
Anyone who has spent time to look into the true teachings of Islam will quickly tell you there is a vast contrast between what is being labeled as "Islamic Extremism" and the teachings of the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and the Quran of Allah. The website for more proof of this is found on www.WhatsIslam.com
The parents of these young men came from generations of former Balkan lands of Macedonia and Montenegro, where Islam is taught in a very simple and peaceful understanding. But the rhetoric of jihadist groups in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Somalia are likely responsible for the way these youth were influenced, according to officials.
They were radicalized over the Internet, Hadzovic told the jury, as they watched al Qaeda videos, listened to exhortations from Osama bin Laden and engaged in passionate discussions about picking up the torch of so-called 'holy war'.
Assistant US Attorney Seth DuCharme argued that Kaziu had traveled to Cairo, Egypt, tried to join terrorist groups and hoped to die a martyr for "the cause of Islam" by fighting US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.
While in Egypt, Hadzovic had a change of heart, he renounced his previous intentions for guerilla combat against the "evil west", as it is portrayed by extremists. Finally in an atempt to clear himself, he became a government witness and testified against his lifelong buddy, labeling Kaziu as a committed radical.
Walking out of the courthouse after the verdict, Kaziu's father was visibly distressed and emotional.
"I just want to say, I need my son home," he said.
Muslim families in the west are all too familiar with these stories and similar situations. This definitely, is not the first case of Muslim youths being deceived by Internet sites prompting Muslim youngsters to "Go For Jihad" - Nor is it the first case of one Muslim giving convincing evidence against another to save themselves from prison or torture. Egypt is famous for torturing prisoners and even those suspected of crimes. What was the real truth of this story? Who knows? It could have been even worse. Allahu 'Alim.
If you have anything to share - Advice or tips for our youth to avoid such entrapments of the shayton - please share this information, before it is too late. A Muslim life wasted in prison is not the solution to problems we face today, it is just another part of the problem.
May Allah(swt) grant Kaziu(Rahimahul lah) and his family patience and justice..Ameen!
And now whoever thinks of stopping americas injustice must be labbeled a terrorist and be locked up .I feel very bad what has happened to this brave man who's intention is stopping americas oppression in afghanistan and iraq .He is not a terrorist ,because terrorists attack civilians ,hes intention is attacking american soldiers .
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