Ramadan Videos

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Ramadan Is Close
ramadan discover2Yusuf Estes & Many Scholars (videos)
- Just in time for Ramadan -
Allah started revelation in this wonderful month with the Holy Quran.
This month (February) will leave soon.
Next month starts Ramadan for all Muslims everywhere.
The month of blessings, good deeds, prayers and more people to be Guided by Allah.
The month of giving and receiving wealth!

Allah's Forgivness for us all, in this blessed month!
Renewing our self-determination!
Sending worship & fulfilling our covenant of Allah
Cool Website to Enjoy Videos 

Ramadan Stories_1


#7 sk 2013-07-09 06:42
celebs who converted 2 islam should come on guide us tv & be part of the voice for islam.
#6 Share This Program and the LINKS & Get Rewards in Ramadan 2011-08-13 18:06
Join us in big rewards in Ramadan - Share this page (click FACEBOOK) or copy the link in the browser bar and past it in emails.
Link is www.IslamNewsroom.com/news-we-need/1325
#5 Yusuf012 2011-08-09 20:48
The direct link for the Video:

#4 Ferguson 2011-08-07 06:13
Oh how I pray you will come to Sydney Australia. I will pray. I will pray you get to Hajj also hehe.
#3 Yusuf Estes 2010-08-19 07:47
We truly enjoyed being with the brothers and sisters in Australia. We are sorry our TV project here made me turn down the chance to come back to the "Land Down Under". Please make dua, Allah will let me go there some time after Hajj, inshallah.
(Make dua for us to go to hajj too) - LOL
#2 joelle khan 2010-08-13 17:01
mashala !!!! amazing sheik yusuf estes is my favorite teacher !!! may allah swt bless you in both worlds! we all love you sheik yusuf estes ! you always bring tears to my eyes and a smile to my face . subhannaallah .
we all love hearing your words of wisdom !
#1 Fahad Bajawi 2010-08-04 09:06
This month, summed up the great God of all other months, honorable, honored and revealed the Qur'aan, the great, it's the month of blessings and good deeds, and complications of Favors, a month emancipator of slaves and in response calls.
The knowledge of God's grace to us in this month, which renews the activity of self-determinat ion and sends a continuity in worship and to fulfill the covenant of Allah

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