PEACE DOCTOR Rated #89 Out of a Billion
He's #1 with Millions of Muslims
More trials, courtroom drama for Peace Doctor
Question: "How come we don't see any of this reported in 'Western media'? (we all know how much they 'love' to report the truth - right?)
Mumbai, India
![]() Dr. Zakir Naik - Ranked #89 of One Billion Top 500 of One and Half Billion Muslims TV Spokesman for Peace in 200 Countries |
![]() The Sunday EXPRESS, dated 31st January 2010, published The Indian Express list of the “100 MOST POWERFUL INDIANS IN 2010” amongst the Billion Plus population of India, with 36 names from the “2009 List” deleted, we find: 1) Dr. ZAKIR NAIK was ranked No. 89. 2) From amongst the few Muslims in this list of 100, Dr. ZAKIR NAIK is the ONLY MUSLIM ISLAMIC PREACHER / SCHOLAR / ORATOR. The others being a Political Secretary, a Politician, a Government Official, a Business Magnate and 3 Film Personalities. 3) Amongst the “Spiritual / Religious Gurus” and he was #3 and the only Muslim in 2009 list, this year (2010) Dr. Zakir Naik TOPPED the List of Spiritual / Religious Gurus at No. 89, for preaching of Islam, followed by Jaggi Vasudev (at No. 94, for his tree planting swork), Baba Ramdev (at No. 99, for his Yoga work) and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (at No. 100, for his Sudarshan Kriya breathing technique work) respectively. |
Dr. Zakir Naik has more trials to face in UK and it is not over yet. Please continue your duas for him, inshallah. Today he is more commited than ever to get out the beautiful message of the Peace in Islam to the English speaking people of the world. In spite of their ignorance and rudeness - Dr. Zakir has insisted to his followers and supporters to be calm and courteous and to continue working alongside those who are serious in bringing about real truth and peace in today's world. |
Dr Zakir is the founder and operator of the world's largest English speaking TV channel for Islam (Peace TV) was banned from entering the U.K. in June. The most ironic (or moronic) thing is - He was labeled as a "Terrorist and a Warmonger" by Theresa May, the new director of UK government's Home Security. A medical doctor from a family of doctors in Mumbai, India - Dr. Zakir Naik has made many sacrifices for Islam, not the least of which was to give up his very successful medical practice back in the 1990s to fill the shoes left empty by his hero and mentor, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (may Allah's Mercy be upon him). Dr. Zakir Naik instructs all of us with his words of wisdom saying, "Nothing good is achieved by trying to fight fire with fire - you just get everyone burned" - a beautiful statement from a very deep philosopher and teacher of Islam. Let us all continue to work for truth and peace, as Dr. Zakir has requested. Just write a kind letter (or two) to the people of Home Security and other concerned offices in the in government and let them know how much can be gained by allowing these Peace Conferences to continue in UK and other places. We all need and want - peace. Muslims must have proper instruction from those whom they trust and Dr. Zakir Naik is beyone question, of the top presenters of moderate and balanced thinking in today's Muslim world. He has proved his ability and dedication many times over. Here is a the quote from Ms. May after taking office last July - (from our recent article quoting the BBC): Speaking in London, Mrs May said: "We need a complete change in emphasis, with people and communities working together to stop bad behaviour escalating." She also said: "We need to make anti-social behaviour what it once was - abnormal and something to stand up to... rather than frequent and tolerated." Video of Exact Comments from Dr. Zakir Naik - Please: RATE & COMMENT (Urgent) Following on from recent malicious and specious reports in the British media about my work, a press release was issued dated 11th June 2010. Further to this I am disappointed to learn the British Government has decided to exclude me from coming to the United Kingdom to conduct a Peace Conference Tour between 25th-27th June 2010. Despite this I intend to continue my work of interfaith dialogue; Coming together upon common terms with other people and faith groups to promote a greater understanding of the binding strands existing between the faiths, whilst dispelling fears, suspicions and misconceptions about the beautiful faith of Islam, that have been created by a media frenzy of Islamophobia. I encourage all Muslims to serve their country with dignity and honour and my message to vulnerable young British Muslims is that terrorism and violent extremism, is totally unacceptable and has no place in Islamic life. I would urge the British Government to permit the Peace Conference Tour to continue as scheduled and assist in the promotion of Peace and social harmony, whilst upholding the values of freedom and justice. Dr Zakir Naik - 17th June 2010 Permission is granted to copy, forward and distribute this article and its contents as long as source quotes are included. Note, Islam Newsroom .com must be mentioned in source quotes. - Ed. Do you support Dr. Zakir Naik? Should the UK government get away with this ban against such a person who is openly calling for peace, justice, freedom and liberty for all people? ADD YOUR COMMENTS FOR DR ZAKIR NAIK - HE NEEDS TO KNOW HOW WE ALL FEEL.. |
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well this is a truth that Dr. Naik always talks about truth and makes the misconceptions about islam very clear.Thisis what UK government is affraid of and thats why they have banned Dr. Naik from entering UK they dont want that these misconceprions about islam and muslims should be cleared because they have worked a lot for this, but our prayers and blessings of allah are with Dr. Naik.
I would like to say thanks alot to mr. Dr. Zakir Nayak.... I watch daily your programme on peace TV...
and try to learn and use it in my life... its literally no anyone can compare with you in the field of philosophy about the religion....... Because you know very well to describe the religion islam....And others all religion. I can say proudly that you are real actor...... in the field of philosophy.....
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won;
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting
.........and, my captain rises twelve.....
that is refering to the high court case, in which plea of zakir naik was rejected. and it was expected earlier itself that whichever party loses they would appeal to the supreme court. so now the case would be in supreme court for the final judgement.
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