Facebook Ban in Pakistan

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Paki Judge Forbids Facebook

..deep concern about Muslim attitudes toward everyday occurances on today's Internet.
Question - "Can Islam really work in today's world?"

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LAHORE,  PAKISTAN - Islamic lawyers in Lahore to file papers giving the PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) until May 19 to ban the website known as Facebook, a social network on the Internet.

Justice Ijaz Ahmad Chaudhry of the Lahore High Court on Tuesday issued notice to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority secretary to reply until Wednesday (today), on a petition seeking a ban on Facebook, which is holding a competition of caricatures of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

Islamic Lawyers Movement filed the petition through Chaudhry Zulfiqar advocate, who stated that a competition was announced on Facebook on April 20 which would continue until May 20, asking all the members of the website to create their caricatures to participate in the competition.

Zulfiqar said under the law no practice against Islam could be allowed in the country. He told the court that the website, having various features against the injunctions of Islam, is banned in various countries.

Zulfiqar submitted that there were 45 million users of Facebook in Pakistan, adding that the PTA was responsible for its spread in Pakistan. He said the PTA has already blocked various websites in the country but was reluctant to ban Facebook. He said students and various segments of the society have already started protests in the country, which could be harmful for the public property. He requested the court to issue directions to PTA to put an immediate ban on the use of Facebook in the Pakistan.

Some residents in Karachi, feel this attention only increases the awareness of the subject and causes more problems. Others express deep concern over this type of reaction, saying over reaction to these types of attacks against Islam, the prophet, peace be upon him, Quran and so on are best handled by presenting Islam and what it teaches in the most positive of ways.

What is your opinion? Tell us - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

[reply May 18, 9:02 PM - Karachi, Pakistan] - This the emotional folly of Muslims just gives them the free advertising they want..

[reply May 18, 9:03 PM - Detroit, MI] - International News picks this kind of thing up and these creeps get millions of dollars worth of free advertising - way to go Pakistan!

[reply May 18, 9:05 PM - Alexandria, MI] - this is a disgusting contest and I am glad they shut down Facebook. They should shut down anything like this. Our prophet, peace be upon him, is the greatest man who ever lived and deserves better than this, especially from our Muslim brothers and sisters...

[reply May 18, 9:05 PM - USA] - Big deal. Muslims commit all kinds of crimes and now they complain about cartoons - look out Mickey Mouse!

[reply May 18, 9:11 PM - Pakistan] - Social networking is something like international communication and it is filled with people around the world. Blocking the entire website is not the answer we were looking for. Let's use some real thinking and not over react, just my opinion.

[reply May 18, 9:15 PM - Los Angeles, CA USA] - You Moslems have no problem  making cartoons against Jesus. So grow up.

[reply May 18, 9:29 PM - Washington, DC USA] - No. Not ture we do not make pictuers of any prophets even our ownselves. pictures are haram. you need to know islam.

[reply May 18, 9:31 PM - Omaha, NB USA] - Pictures or cartoons don't make a religion or break it. Too sensitive of response.

[reply May 18, 9:35 PM - USA] - for crying out loud,  can't people just be quite and have peace????? Stop this stuff

[reply May 18, 9:39 PM ??] - We Muslims need to have our own voice in the western world, in plain English to get the real message of Islam out there for everyone - both the Muslims and the non-Muslims. These issues need more open discussion and less wild reactions. (just my thinking out loud)

[reply May 18, 11:12 PM California] - I think we should all boycott Facebook or any website that is attacking Islam. We muslims need to spend more time with learning our deen from proper sources and not waste so much time on the Internet. I hardly use even emails. Just my opinion, Allahu 'Alim.

[reply May 19, 1:04 AM Alaska USA] - I hate anything that is causing the problmes for msulims and these people should be put down for it.

[reply May 19, 3:17 AM Birmingham - UK] - It is about time Muslims grow up and learn to ignore these attempts to take over the narrative of what Islam is all about. These people are only trying to promote their games and we are just falling into the same trap every time, over and over. Our prophet [pbuh] told us a believer does not get bit by a snake twice. Time to wake up MUSLIMS!

[reply May 19, 5:22 AM Dubai, U.A.E.] - I am from Pakistan and for too long we have just fallen into these traps set by the british or americans or whoever. they just come along with something and we fall for it. i say 'let the facebook thing drop' keep our patience.

[reply May 19, 6:10 AM Florida, USA] - Why do we keep getting these attacks like this? Why is Islam always the punch line to these jokers? Let's just stop talking about all of it.

[reply May 19, 7:20 AM Atlanta, GA. USA] - We have to speak up and let our voices be one on this issue and other issues too. We have been divided up too long. This is just another way to divide the muslims.

[reply May 19, 8:11 AM San Fernando, CA. USA] - Ban Facebook? Sure, why not? It isnothing but people showing themselves off and pictures of sisters without hijab, astaghfiruallah! Stop using Twitter, FAcebook, Myspace, AOL all of them . we don't need this crap.

[reply May 19, 12:01 PM Pakistan, Karachi] -



..all Muslim countries should ban facebook, some things have more harm than benefit so it’s better to avoid them, and our lives will still be fine without social sites like this.
I don’t think of any other action other than banning the site, to protest this type of a bad contest and if we think that remaining on that site we can

.. I don’t think that anyone who indulges in making cartoons just to hurt others would ever have wanted to learn anything about that religion because if you want to know, you wish find out, then your attitude is not so bad.
We Muslims can never do anything like this for Prophet Jesus (Peace be upon him) and Prophet Moses (Peace be upon him) and other prophets (Peace be upon them all), our due respect for them as they are all Allah’s Prophets/Messengers.

What is your opinion? Tell us -


#39 Mrs Qatar 2010-06-01 08:47
facebook is not at al responsible for the competiton.it certain group of people using it who is behind the competion.if the non-muslims are using strong and famouse media like facebook to put down islam and it\'s followers then it is time for us muslim facebook users to use facebook to promote islam, do da\'awa and let the ignorant know the true meaning of islam.I would like to let my non-muslim(chri stians and jews)friends that a true muslim would never dare to make fun of Mose(PBUH) and Jesus(PBUH) because they are also our Prophets just like Muhammed(PBUH) and they also stood for the truth....
#38 Hussain Waheed 2010-05-26 00:08
Facebook is not needed at all cuz we r true muslims.....
#37 st 2010-05-25 20:10
fb shud be banned for life ....
#36 jauhara 2010-05-25 14:07
just ignore them. the disbelievers of islam will always go out of their way to antagonise islam in any way they can..let it be..it is their culture,,and they do it conciously.
just do as the prohet did..ignore them,,,they will regret what they did surely.
#35 umarraza 2010-05-25 12:07
every one have a right to use the forums like FB to express their point of view. my view is that the religion is something personal and it should remain personal why cant we follow 'live and let live' philosophy..but i still say that forum is open write what u want and make sure u use FB in a positive way
#34 shais 2010-05-25 06:16
Its good to see it blocked..Pakist anis spend too much time at home and offices on facebook doing silly stuff... now they will get more time for good and productive stuff..
#33 Ismail 2010-05-24 06:14
FB is a social network that houses all denominations i am a Muslim n proud to be muslim we have many brothers and sisters spreading the good msg of Islam which is letting us Muslims and non muslims in need of the msg to learn which is dissemination of the msg of Allah n his Prophet (SAW)for those who r against Islam its an oppotuinity for u n me to let thm know the truth by ablogating there lies.
#32 ABDULHAKIM 2010-05-23 23:49
aselamualeykum, hey ,in my opinon face book is not the problem. Banning facebook will never solve this, because facebook is also a big platform to make dawas and everything .In my opinion wat we should do is we should is we should stop making this story bigger and bigger, it is obvious the internate has a lot of bad stuffs which go against islam. we should make those people who do this look bad like by commenting on the facebook page ,turn the tables over .
#31 sophia 2010-05-22 09:47
Facebook did not do anything against Islam, certain people did and its not people will stop doing it if Facebook is banned in Pakistan. People have always been conspiring opposing religions etc but its pathetic when we seek to correct others while we ourselves hardly follow any of the Prophet's (PBUH) sunnah.
#30 Sophia 2010-05-22 09:45
Banning facebook is such an infantile thing to do!!It makes no sense when our authorities failed to take the right steps in the frist place to contact facebook and request to take the particular page off . Even then it does not make sense to ban Facebook, it is a social utility and is used in that capacity. It is just that people here react adversely and emotionally to everything they cannot understand or disagree with in a nonhostile manner. I dont think banning facebook or any site would do us any good since it just deprives us of what is happening elsewhere in the world either for us or against us. Lastly, there is just a proper way of doing things. People\'e pictures, memories, friends and important network contacts are online on Facebook and to deny access to our online property is an infringement of our rights and freedom by our own government. I think the govt should observe how people react to faceboook usage over a probationary period and then take a step. All the hoopla will die down in a week i am sure if given the chance

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