Science: Sun To Rise From the West!?

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Prophecies Coming True?
Earth "flips" over and spins backwards?
Could the earth "flip" on its axis and cause..

.. it to appear to us as though the sun was rising from the opposite side?

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, "The Last Day (end of the world) will not come unitl the sun rises from the place of its setting (the west)."

The earth had magnetic pole shifts, like the sun has regular magnetic pole shifts, but on a much longer scale than the sun.
The earth's magnetic cycle is about 400,000 years - and strangely enough, the earth is now long overdue for such a polar shift. It has been much longer than normal, according to scientists, since the earth last "flipped".
Scientists, claim this is not enough evidence to cause concern. They think it might be a thousand more years before the "flip" occurs.
The scientists reassure the public with statements like, "Even if a shift occurs, it shouldn't cause the earth to counter rotate (spin in the opposite direction), and it won't flip the earth upside down.
Of course, if it does - then the hadeeth of the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, would be exactly true - the sun would be "rising from its setting place (the west). Hmmmm, makes you think, eh?

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