Officer? Doctor? Muslim? KILLER?

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Doctors Don't Take Lives!
Soldiers Don't Kill Their Own!
And Muslims Don't
Kill Innocent Souls!
So, how could Nidal Hasan, an army officer, medical doctor - practicing Muslim -
Shoot innocent people?"
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Dr. Nidal Hasan is a psychiatrist and a major in the United States Army - He is accused of going on a shooting spree at Ft. Hood where he has been stationed since June, leaving 13 innocent people dead and another 38 or so wounded.
How could a medical doctor kill innocent people?
How could an army officer kill his own troops?
But even more complex - He was also born and raised in America as a MUSLIM.

What does Islam say about all this?

Islam forbids Muslims to kill any innocent person and even states it is as though whoever would do such a horrible crime it would be as though they had murdered all of humanity.
Islam also condemns to Hell any Muslim who kills a brother Muslim, according to the teachings of the Quran. The story of the two sons of Adam, Habil and Qabil are narrated in the 5th chapter, and then the order of Almighty God condemns murder to this extent - [quote]
Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors.
[end quote]

So again, the question - "How could a rational army officer, medical doctor, practicing Muslim - shoot innocent people?"

ANSWER: "He can't"

It is as simple as that. If he is a true practicing medical doctor, he cannot take lives - he is bound by his oath to save lives.
If he does he will barred from practice and face charges of murder.
If he is true soldier, he cannot take innocent lives, he must defend the innocent lives, especially the lives of his fellow soldiers.
If he does he will be court martialed and likely executed.
If he is a true Muslilm, he cannot take innocent lives - ever.
If he does - he is held accountable in this life and will pay the price again in the next life.

So, what makes a person (anyone, whether a doctor, an officer, a Muslim - just anyone at all) kill an innocent person?

Another good question - and for this Muslims should turn to their own Quran and "Read":
"O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a
clear enemy.."
[Quran 2:208]

So what can we do about this?
 Closely observe and investigate any Muslim living in the west?
What about army officers? Do they need monitoring too?
How about keeping a watchful eye on pyschiatrists? Or all doctors for that matter?

There is no excuse for this man or any other person who takes the lives of innocent people. 
And there is no "honor" in "honor killings" and there is no salvation in Islam for murderers or suicide for that matter.

 We have to understand these are actions of people - people who have gone too far with their devil companions that "whisper in their hearts" as mentioned in the last chapter of the Quran, telling mankind how to deal with the devil when he tries to whisper evil into your heart..
114 Surah An-Naas
1. Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,
2. The Sovereign of mankind.
3. The God of mankind,
4. From the evil of the retreating whisperer -
5. Who whispers (evil) into the hearts of mankind -
6. From among the jinn (demons) and mankind."

Naturally, all of us around the world feel the horror and pain of this and similar events, but we must keep our wits about us and continue to assume the best of people and pray for guidance from Above.

And finally, here is a note from a posting from a Christian about the very same subject when one of their own followers of the Bible murdered some of his own people in cold blood:
I'll tell you what makes people kill...the Devil!
He wants to lie to people and seduce them into evil...people are too dumb or too educated to realize there is a God and a Devil and if you don't stand with the Lord you stand against Him and are open to the ways of SATAN... Flip [Wilson] said...the Devil made him do it.

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