Salat - Prayer? Or What? How? When?
Salat or Prayer?
Why? How?
How? When?
User Rating: 5 / 5
Salat or Prayer?
Why? How?
How? When?
User Rating: 4 / 5
Mass Killer Convicted
User Rating: 4 / 5
Motherhood Series:
What Happens When Iman Drops?
User Rating: 5 / 5
Why Do Our Dua’s
Go Unanswered?
[Find Out - click]
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Ladies Swimsuits
Too Much Exposure?
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24 Bombs in Man's N.C. Home
Erik Rudolph Arnebold
North Carolina Man with Bombs
& Weapons of Mass Destruction
User Rating: 4 / 5
Syrian Rebels Are Now
Accused of War Crimes?
User Rating: 3 / 5
in the Bible?
User Rating: 4 / 5
I want to wear Hijab
But Mom Says 'NO'
User Rating: 4 / 5
Killer Clown Shoots Drug Dealer
in Baja California
User Rating: 5 / 5
USA Forbids Priests
to Serve Military
User Rating: 4 / 5
Assad Gassed His Own People?
Officials Say, "Yes!"
User Rating: 4 / 5
What To Do?
User Rating: 4 / 5
George Washington's
Thank You' Letter to Morocco
User Rating: 5 / 5
User Rating: 4 / 5
Sweden Awaits Obama
To Visit (But Why Now?)
[click & See]
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Storm of the Century Hits Asia
User Rating: 5 / 5
Islam Enemy Turns Muslim
Accepts Islam Starts European Islamic Party
User Rating: 5 / 5
User Rating: 4 / 5
Should Swedish Admit Syrian Refugees?
Some Say 'NO'!
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Domains & Websites
User Rating: 4 / 5
User Rating: 5 / 5
Now On Antennas in
Texas & California Too!
LIVE Shows Nightly this week
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Which Book?
Many Manuscripts?
Different Translations?
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Can I Fast the Day of Ashura?
User Rating: 4 / 5
Parents Divorce 7 yr Old Boy Commits Suicide
User Rating: 5 / 5
User Rating: 3 / 5
How Big is it?
Who Thought of it?
How Do You Write it?
User Rating: 5 / 5
Fasting on the day of `Ashûrâ' by itself
User Rating: 5 / 5
Funeral Services Today
Masjid Noor Dublin, OH
Police Cruiser Kills Family of 6 in
Columbus, Ohio on Friday Morning