Salat - Prayer? Or What? How? When?

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Salat or Prayer?
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Why? How?
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How? When?


Arabic: 'as-salāt

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'As-Salatul Jammat (worship in congregation)
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The 2nd of Five Pillars of Islam, 'salat' can be better translated as 'connection', from the root (sila) connect.
This action represents service or submission to the Will of Almighty God (Allah in Arabic).

Salat - usually called 'prayer' is five
(5) times daily by believing Muslims.

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Qiyam (standing)

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Ruku' (bowing)

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Jalsa (sitting)

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Sajdah (prostration)

The word for prayer in Arabic is (dua') - petition or supplication, which can be done anywhere, at any time without concern for movements, direction, or body cleanliness.

The Salat is to be performed only within certain guidelines, facing the direction of Mecca (Qibla), being in a state of cleanliness (wudu'), being properly covered, making standard movements in order, and within certain time constraints.

The salat had been previously instituted within the teachings of the Abrahamic faiths, Judaism and Christianity and was required for righteous people of the past, but with the advent of Muhammad, peace be upon him, it became mandatory for all the believers to perform on a regular daily basis.

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From Quran (Allah's Recitation for all) in the very beginning and throughout the Quran, we find reference to establishing and performing the salat, as one of the foremost signs of a true believer.

We find in Quran what Allah had ordered the followers of Moses in the past:


Surah Baqarah (the Cow), chapter 2, ayah (verse) 43:

And establish salat (connective prayer) and give zakah (purification of wealth through charity) and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience].

Seek help in sabr (perseverance) and salat (prayerful connection). This is difficult, except for the humble.


Surah Baqarah, ayah 45 & 46:

And seek help through sabr (perseverance and patience) and salat, and indeed, it is difficult except for those humbly submissive (to Allah), who are certain they will meet their Lord and they will return to Him.

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Surah Baqarah (the Cow), ayah 239:

Establish consistency in salat, especially the middle one. Stand for Allah with all your devotion.


Surah An-Nisaa' (chapter 4, The Women), ayah 46:

O you who believe, do not perform salat when you are intoxicated, for you will not comprehend the meaning of your words; nor when you are in unclean, unless traveling, until you have wudu (washed up or ablution). If you are ill or traveling and unable to make wudu, or you have relieved yourself (passed gas, urinated or defecated) or had intercourse with your spouse and find no water, then take some fine soil or dust, rubbing lightly over your face and hands. Allah is Ar-Rahman (The Most Merciful) and Al-Ghafur (The All Forgiving).


Surah Al Israa' (chapter 17, The Night Journey), ayah 78:

Establish prayer, reading Quran (out loud), at sunset until the darkness of the night and at dawn. Indeed, the recitation at dawn is ever witnessed.

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Surah Al Israa', ayah 110:

Say, "Call upon Allah or call upon Al-Rahman (Most Merciful), Which (of the names) you call - to Him belong the Best Names".

And do not recite (too) loud in your salat or (too) quiet, but seek the middle way.



#3 Faruk 2014-12-24 02:19
Prayer (salat) is not a spare tire to pull out when you're in trouble, but it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout life.

#2 MOHAMMAD FAHAD 2014-12-23 10:46
thanks a lot islam news room for making such an effort.whenever i read article on this page my Imaan get refreshed and it makes me to offer salat timely....thank s sir yusuf estes :-)
#1 aminat 2014-01-27 07:51
i like it but how we will share Ur post

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