Exposing Geert (Wild Bill) Wilder

Will they ever tell the Truth?
Reprint Geert Wilde's Manipulation of Quran
The Dutch ambassador to Egypt was busy trying to distribute it in the embassy and according to Dutch journalists - destroyed Wilder's political career.
"O the tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive"
But Muslims never did that, because it is very childish, to use the scriptures this way, scriptures should be dealt with from cover to cover, not by playing the cut & paste game to take words out of its context to defame and demonize the religion. Wilders repeated same trick again with verse 47:4. He intentionally used bits and pieces, taking words out of context and not translating the whole Arabic verse which Arab audience can still hear in his film. The verse was followed by the beheading of Kenneth Bigley, a British civilian who was slain in Iraq, which was condemned by all Muslim groups and scholars including the Muslim council of Britain. But of course this is something that he doesn’t mention in his film. Again he used the verse in a way that encourages killings and beheadings of innocent people, the verse reads:“So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then engage in combat, until when you have overcome them, then take (them as) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as a favor or let them ransom (themselves if the choose) until the war ends. This verse, in fact, encourages Muslims to fight hard in active combat, but allows no killing of prisoners of war. The verse makes it clear that POWs should either be set free out of generosity or ransomed in exchange for Muslim POWs or for money to compensate war expenses. But Wilders used the magical switch again, stopping the translation before the part that allows killing only during war. He again did not show the part that prevents killing prisoners by limiting the options of dealing with them after war as explained above. He just mentioned it like that: “Therefore, when you meet the unbelievers, smite at their necks and when you have caused bloodbath among them bind a bond firmly on them” As if the Quran is telling Muslims to cut the necks of the unbelievers when they meet them in super markets not at war. The question is - "Why did Mr. Wilders translate a part of the verse and leave the rest?" Another question - "Was it intentionally to mislead the audience or unintentionally out of his ignorance?" Again and again the same thing happens with the words of Sheikh Aed Al-Qarny a renowned Muslim scholar, the Arabic speaking people can hear him saying in Wilders’ movie: “The real Jihad is that against the occupier , houses and youth will be sacrificed they will lose their heads in the path to victory” But again Wilders is playing his dirty game, manipulating the translation, abusing the ON/OFF switch in his hand, he started the subtitles like that: Houses and young men must be sacrificed. Throats must be slit and skulls Of course ignoring the very first words that Arab speaking audience heard “The real Jihad is that against the occupier” “The real Jihad is that against the occupier” And then the footage of a beheading, misleading his audience, by not translating for them the very first phrase. I want to remind Europeans of when the Nazis occupied France and Poland and other countries, how were those people able to liberate their countries, ask the French they will tell you through "La resistance." Well, that is exactly what this scholar was saying “The real Jihad is that against the occupier” But deceiving the audience is Wilders’ main goal. The film is also full of instigation against European Muslims by showing the bar graph starting with 54 Muslims in Netherlands in 1909 increasing to 1400 Muslims in 1960, then 450.000 in 1990, then 944.000 in 2004, then suddenly the graph jumps to 54 Million Muslims in Europe, from 54 individuals to 54 Million, but the 54 was the number in Holland alone while the 54 Millions is the number in Europe. Why didn’t he start the graph from the beginning with the number of European Muslims, which would have been in Millions, it is because he wants to shock the non Muslim audience and make them feel threatened in their countries. Bringing a Muslim who refuses to practice adultery and homosexuality to show him as an example of a non integrating individual, is an insult to every Dutch. Does Wilders mean that every Dutch commits adultery and is a homosexual? Can’t a Dutch be loyal to his wife and be straight (feel inclined to the opposite sex)? Wilders Said at the end of the film that in 1945 Nazism was defeated in Europe is inaccurate because someone like him is a parliamentarian in a European country. The Quran states that the original sin is not an apple eaten from a tree. Rather it is the essence of racism that Satan showed when he refused to prostrate for Adam, saying to God: "I am better than him, You created me from fire and You created him from clay". Is it not the same as I am white and he is black? I am European and he is Arab? I am Arab and he is Indian? But God expelled him out from paradise saying you can’t act as a racist here, which means that racists have no place in Paradise. Racism is the first sin and the biggest challenge that is challenging humanity today and the Quran dealt with it in the verse “Surely the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you” - not the men or the whites or the Arabs or the Jews. Now let me state the following remarks: 1-The people who are working to destroy this world on both sides are not taking one day off, so how can we? 2-They are scaring us from each other, making use of our IGNORANCE about each other 3-Therefore ignorance becomes our ENEMY 4-But No one learns unless he/she admits his/her ignorance and sense the need for learning and here comes the 1st Problem on the way of learning. 5-People don’t admit their ignorance because they think it is an insult, while actually ignorance is not LACK of INTELLIGENCE but rather LACK OF INFORMATION. I have no problem admitting my ignorance about Hinduism 6-The second problem on the road of learning, is learning from Who? If anyone wants to learn how a certain dish tastes, he should ask someone who tasted that dish, therefore it is unfair to learn about Islam from third parties. I assure you that unreliable sources have made Islam by far, the most misunderstood religion in the world. As Muslims we have fanatics who hijacked Islam and gave it a bad name with their terrible actions, but at the same time there are Europeans who hijacked Europe and are giving it a bad name by their terrible actions. Take Denmark as an example, 3 years ago, the word Denmark was a synonym for the words tolerance & peacefulness, but today few Danes gave it a bad name. Now today the word Denmark for more than 1.5 Billion Muslims means hatred and racism, even though most Danes are nice and welcoming people. The question is: Are Dutch people going to allow a few people hijack the Netherlands and give it a bad name? (Hopefully not) The problem is that at the time Muslims are facing their fanatics, debating with them all the time and clearing themselves from them, trying to build the bridges between Muslims and non-Muslims. Not many Europeans are doing the same to their fanatics. This is the time to challenge the west do the same, clearing them selves from fanatics and racists, debating with them and building bridges from their side. I am afraid the gap between Muslims and non Muslims is widening quickly, and sane people on both sides should start working together to bridge that gap before it is too late. Yours in Peace,
“Fitnah is Worse than Killing” ?? (should be "combat" - not "killing)
This article is an attempt to prove to the reader that Geert Wilders abused his audience’s ignorance of the Arabic language to inject his own convoluted misinformation about Islam and the Quran, while pretending to be telling the truth, and I want to rely on logic and evidence, I want not to appeal to emotions but rather to appeal to the reader’s sense of logic.
I want the statements that I make to be justified on the basis of sound logic, What is the meaning of Fitnah in Arabic? The Quran says: “Fitnah is greater than killing”(Quran 2:217) Fitnah means oppression in religion, i.e. persecution of so called “heretics”. And I strongly believe that the goal behind producing such film is “Fitnah” or causing oppression in religion for a group of people who represent more than 20% of the population of this world.
That (shall be so); and if Allah had pleased He would certainly have exacted what is due from them, but that He may try some of you by means of others; and (as for) those who are slain in the way of Allah, He will by no means allow their deeds to perish.”
must be shattered. This is the path to victory.
Fadel Soliman
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