I did shahadah with you!!

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"I did my shahada in San Francisco
Islamic Convention with you"


Remeber when our brother Bill sent this email to us - after making shahadah at the San Francisco Islamic Convention in June of '06?

"I was the one who took the 'shehada' yesterday at the Islamic Conventionin San Francisco,..."

Hi, I was the one who took the 'shehada' yesterday at the Islamic Conventionin San Francisco, and I just want to drop you a short note to give you my thanks and appreciation for your sponsorship, and the concern, the generosity, and warm welcome that you gave to me.

I am going to contact everyone that I was able to get an address for and express my thanks for their concern, generosity, and the welcome they showed me.

I regret that there were so many that came up to me and expressed such a warm welcome that it was impossible to get the names and addresses of all, but I hope that the thanks I gave them in person was accepted for the heartfelt expression it was.

I will be getting in touch with you to go over some of the larger questions that confront me in connection with expressing myself openly as a Muslim.

May Allah be with you always!


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