Yusuf Estes on HUDA TV "Mail Box"

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Yusuf Estes on Guide US TV 

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Islam Mailbox.com

 Yusuf Estes on YouTubeIslam.com

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 Dr. Zaikr Naik on YouTubeIslam.com

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Yusuf Estes on Islam Mail Box.com

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#5 farooq 2015-05-10 13:17
salam yusef estes my question is does a tie have any meaning or symbol some muslims say its haram some muslims say it is not haram so is a tie haram?
#4 Sabrina Mercier 2015-05-02 16:21
Salam alaykom my name is Sabrina i am a french canadian from Quebec City Canada my question is why people in french called our Prophet Mohammed pease and blessings upon him they call him Mahomet? I hate when they say this this is disrespectful
#3 Farooq 2015-02-21 11:00
Does a tie have any meaning or symbol? I hear that ties are haram so can Muslims wear ties or no?
#2 ahmed 2014-03-22 11:59
is mowlid a good thing
#1 maha 2014-02-04 07:07
Assalamou Alikoum Warahmatou Allahe Wabarakatouhou
I'm a Syrian mother for a 21years boy and 19years girl I need you help with my boy but privetly is that possible ???
thank you
(excuse my bad English)

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