Was Jesus Really GOD?
Bible says "No"
'Holy Ghost' says - "Yes"
And help each other better understand Islam and Christianity by comparison of their respective texts.
Question from a Christian
So, if you Moslems say you believe in the Bible too - then why don't you admit Jesus is God and He died for your sins?"
Christian - In John 8:58 Jesus speaks about Abraham and that Abraham had seen His day. The Jewish men challenged Jesus saying:
"You are not yet 50 years old, and have you seen Abraham?" Jesus replied "Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was, I am."
And we all said, "Yes."
And then Almighty God erased our memories and put us back in the 'backbone' of Adam, peace be upon him.
Christian - To me Jesus was claiming his existence before the time of Abraham. Jesus used the words "I am" in which God uses to designate himself as the eternal existing one to Moses in Exodus 3:14.
Christian - Yes, but right when the Jews heard this claim they knew he was proclaiming himself as God and "they took up stones to throw at him."
Christian - Well, throughout the Gospels Jesus claimed to know the hearts of men (Mark 2:8), an attribute unable to be held by mere prophets but only by God himself.
Christian - Well, Jesus also claimed to have the power to forgive sins (Mark 2:5-7), an authority held only by God himself.
Christian - OK. See, although Jesus does not come right out and say "I AM GOD," it is fairly clear to assume, by Jesus Christ himself, through out each and every Gospel that he is God Almighty.
He prayed to God.
He worshipped the Lord.
He submitted to God's Will ["Even so, Thy Will be done"]
He did not have all hidden knowledge [remember when he went to a tree and found it barren and then cursed it?]
For more on this topic visit www.911Bible.com
~ Bonus Article ~
How To Answer Attacks on Islam
~ by Yusuf Estes
Before we answer, we must remember to be courteous, kind and respectful at all times.
Keep in mind we are not here for "The Big Debate".
This is an Example of Offering the Best Answers - in the Best Ways:
- Thank you for asking me about my faith.
As Muslims we cannot lie about anything, especially about our religion. - We have original recorded sources of our religion: The Quran & Teachings of Muhammad.
This is a very unique part of Islam, not available in any other ancient religions. - Sometimes "questions" contain misinformation.
We must qualify what it is that someone is saying against what they are implying. - If you find the answer to your question makes you say, "I didn't know that" or "This is good" are you ready to worship your God and your Lord without and partners?
This what Islam is really all about. The most important subject is the worship of Almighty God, without any partners or associates or "gods" besides Almighty God. - In light of the above, the approach to understanding in Islam must be based on as much factual knowledge as one can obtain.
This in mind, we now consider your inquiries as to the position of Islam on the following subject of "Islam Code" and offer our website on this topic: www.IslamCode.com - There is one more point -
We don't rely on dreams, hunches and feelings to determine what the real religion of God is, nor do we accept someone to be a moderator or intercessor for us to communicate with God for us.
This of course, would rule out the notion of having a "Holy Ghost" or spirit of any kind telling us what God wants from us.
Any good is from Allah the mistakes were from myself. May Allah guide all of us to His Truth, ameen.We have used this formula for years and see many people being guided by Allah right in front of our eyes, again and again.
Al Hamdulillah. It is all up to Allah and we ask Him to guide us and all the people, ameen.
Salam alaykum,
Yusuf Estes
National Muslim Chaplain - retired
Yusuf Estes offers a way for Muslims to answer questions.
He helps us appreciate Islamic Perspectives and Teachings.
All based on the Quran and Hadeeth in the Arabic language.
These sites were designed to help our Christian brothers and sisters gain authentic knowledge of both Christian and Muslim teachings to be able to make more accurate comparisons between their respective texts.
Other topics of interest can be researched at:

911Bible.com and BibleIslam.com

911Bible.com and BibleIslam.com
Mr. Meritt misses the God declared word in his reading of Genesis chapters 1 & 2.
Chap. 1 gives the order and the 'how long God created all things.
Chap. 1 'declares' the account on creation in "CHRONOLOGICAL" order & how long God took to create what was created in each day of the 6 day period of creation. Chap.
2 does not contradict chap. one as Mr Meritt says. Chap. 2 is not 'CHRONOLOGICAL' nor has to be as chap. 1 contains that. Chap 2 gives some detail about what took place in chap. 1. Such as how Adam & Eve were created & Adam's naming of the animals & where God placed Adam. Mr Meritt has a lack of Bible knowledge which shows plainly in his statement about Genesis chaps. 1& 2.
the Bible is corrupted and this book made up by hand, there are lot of mistakes in bible, but the only true words of Allah is The Noble Qur`an,
Could you please tell me of a book or website in which I can find ALL the answer to the so-called errors, challenges, contradictions in Qur'aan and Islaam?
Thank u so much.
YES. www.SEARCHFORISLAM.com and then type in the word 'harsh' and it will give you all the harsh questions and answers inshallah
May Allah reward him with Blessings srength in his Iman Ameen.
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