- *Muslims * Catholics * Protestants * Buddhists *
* Orthodox * Jews * Hindus * Deists * Atheists * - All religions see people leaving their faith (even some Muslims).
Good news! We have the Creator, Quran, Prophet (peace be upon him)
It starts HERE — (but ends on a good note)
This is a continuing story about a teenager who lives in the "West" but has problems in believing . .
( I Used 2B Muslim )
9d ago Used-2b-muslim:
I was raised as a "M" but now I'm not sure what I am. And I can't tell my folks, cause I still love them a lot.
9d ago Buddhist-thinker:
Do you plan to search for another religion for yourself? Or do you plan to be irreligious? Of course, it would be perfectly understandable, if you don't know that yet.
8d ago Used-2b-muslim:
I looked for something to believe in — I hate the idea of not existing after death. I am a born muslim. I had a hard time leaving, it’s difficult to believe in anything spiritual again.
7d ago Buddhist-thinker:
Give yourself a break, don’t rush into anything. I was raised atheist, but found spiritualness in being nice to everyone. All the best.
7d ago Used-2b-muslim:
7d ago Kabachoca
Look at Dharmic religions: Hinduism, Buddhism & Sikhism. Beliefs like reincarnation, karma, ultimate goal, freedom from everything (Moksha) cycle of birth, death & rebirth - come back as cat, a swan, a bird.
7d ago Used-2b-muslim:
My ancestors were buddhists before islam. I like buddhist principles, I might accept Buddhism, not sure.
7d ago Agnostic-thoughts:
How did you begin to doubt? What started the transition to no belief? Why did you doubt in the 1st place? Was it something specific?
7d ago Used-2b-muslim:
I love ancient & historical things. Spiritual aspect of religions are all fake. We can’t deny the many bad things done in the name of religions, like what Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism and Islam. This is what I hate. Buddhists don’t do wars. It has peace and love.
6d ago X-Buddhist
Whoa! “Buddhists don’t do wars?”
1. Sinhalese Buddhists vs. Tamil Tigers?
2. Sri Lanka (1983-2009)?
3. Myanmar (Burma) vs. the Rohingya Muslims?
4. Buddhist Nationals in Thailand?
5. Tibetans attacking Chinese?
Political Conflicts around the whole world?
6d ago Used-2b-muslim:
Ok, I didn’t know all this. But what about people getting their heads cut off, in Quran?
4d ago Muslim-Converts:
Let’s set the record straight. The Quran (recitation) is only in Arabic. Just 930 years ago, English was still being developed, and some verses were mis-translated.
The verses in Surah Baqarah, tell Muslims how to defend themselves and . .
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