A tribute to honor his real life!
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President Carter, Dies at Age 100.
What he really said was more amazing.
(Please share this page with Non-Muslims - they need to know)
He exposed problems with the Holy Land
He spoke of the "Holy Land Apartied"
1. The term "Palestine" is the English transliteration of the Arabic word "فلسطين" (Filasṭīn).
In Arabic, "Filasṭīn" refers to the region known in English as Palestine. The name "Palestine" itself derives from "Philistia," the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who have occupied a the area on the southern coast of the region since the 12th century BCE.
Encyclopædia Britannica
2. Over three thousand years, the people of "Filasṭīn" have been there. When Daud (David, peace be upon him) killed Goliath with a sling, he was a young shepherd with animals and was of the tribe of Judah.
3. Where was Goliath born? Gaza. He was a Philistinian, according to the Jewish Bible (Old Testament to Christians).
4. Daud (English: David, peace be upon him) was from the tribe of Judah. He was the youngest son of Jesse, a farmer and sheep breeder from Bethlehem in Judah. Encyclopædia Britannica
5. His father sent him to deliver provisions to his older brothers. They served in Saul's army. Daud, peace be upon him, heard Goliath's challenge. He went face to face the giant and, armed with only a sling and a stone, defeated him. Encyclopædia Britannica
Jimmy Carter traveled to Philistine often.
He spoke about the apartied with Dan Rather
Jimmy Carter was born on October 1, 1924
Born in Plains (small town in SW Georgia)
He married childhood sweetheart Rosilen
He served Georgia State Senate 1963 - 1966
Carter was elected 39th President in 1976
He cleaned up after the Watergate scandal
The "Great Debate" (he lost to Regan)
Regan became #40 After winning the election
He had a full life (he tried to make peace everywhere he went)
"Always A Peanut Farmer"