EID Holiday in USA Petition Accepted!!!

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EID Holiday in USA!
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Petition Accepted

 ISLAM NEWSROOM - "Eid Holiday Petition Accepted for Consideration in WhiteHouse --" 

LIVE ON AIR TONIGHT (October 14, 2015)

Don't miss this once in a life time broadcast for Islam advancement in the United States!

At last, the government is ready to listen to reason and not the media!

May Allah accept from all of our Muslim brothers and sisters here in America who came together to show unity for the celebration of EID Holidays in the United States!

This comes at a time when Muslims were very depressed and upset at the way we have been treated (mistreated?) here in our own country.

We are Americans and should have the same rights as any other Americans. Just because we believe in the miracle birth of Jesus to be like the creation of Adam and Eve - otherwise believing in the Old Testatment, New Testament (in the originals of course) and in prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, as the last messenger of God and the Quran - does that mean we don't get to celebrate our own holidays?

Al Hamdulillah!! Allahu Akbar!! This is the time for us to celebrate the diversity and the acceptance of the values here in our country!!

Watch and see it all tonight on - GUIDEUS.TV
EID Holiday USA

0000 AComment


#2 casim Ibrahim 2015-10-14 22:45
#1 Editor IslamNewsroom 2015-10-14 20:17
Salam alaykum - at last we have something - but now for the big one! Muslims do vote - Right? So why are we not having any positive things said about Muslims from the candidates?

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