يوسف إستس يفضح حقيقة الموت الامير راشد Yusuf Estes Exposes Truth of Prince Rashid's Death

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Prince Rashid bin Mohammed
bin Rashid bin Al-Maktoum
Prince Rashid N Yusuf
with Yusuf Estes


"Yusuf Estes Tells All - Prince Rashid's Death"

 يوسف إستس يفضح حقيقة الموت الامير راشد

 First of all, let me just say this - "I have only good things to say about the entire famiily of Al-Maktoum. Regardless of what others may infer or imply - If they have nothing good to say, they should remain silent" 

This is the order of our prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

Further, I have been blessed to know such people and the Imere and his son personally.

They have always been big supporters of charity, dawah and peace conferences as well as wonderful brothers of peace around the world.

I am most proud they considered me as someone worthy to sponsor and attend their conferences.

The death of my friend, Rashid bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, saddens me and definitely causes us to realize anyone of us could be facing the angel of death at any moment.

Prince Rashid and his brothers and father have alway exhibited the very highest of level of character and shown all who visit the best of courtesies.

No one should ever say anything except good about those who have passed away, as a matter of proper manners, how much more when it is someone of this high caliber?

Let us not be swayed by these cheap and immoral publications passing themselves off as some kind of "news media". They have nothing better to do than to present blood and gory instead of pride and glory.

Shame on them for this very rude and unwelcomed behavior.

لأمير راشد وإخوته ووالده قد أبدت دوما على أعلى مستوى من الحرف وأظهرت جميع الذين يزورون أفضل من المجاملات.

لا ينبغي لأحد أن يقول أي شيء إلا بالرضا عن أولئك الذين وافته المنية، على سبيل الخلق السليم، فكم بالحري عندما يكون شخص من هذا العيار المرتفع؟

دعونا لا يتأثر هذه المنشورات الرخيصة وغير الأخلاقية التي تمر أنفسهم على أنهم نوع من "وسائل الإعلام". لديهم شيء أفضل من أن تفعل لتقديم الدم والدموي بدلا من الفخر والمجد.

عار عليهم لهذا السلوك غير مهذب جدا وبانتقادات.

أنصح كل من الولايات المتحدة وليس حتى للبحث، بحث عن أو "فوق" على أي روابط - أن اشتمه شخصيات مثل هذه العائلة بأكملها.

I advice all of us NOT to even look up, search for or "click" on any links - that speak ill of such personalities as this entire family.

Prince Rashid N Yusuf2Prince Rashid bin Mohammed bin Rashid bin Al-Maktoum & Yusuf Estes
Dubai Peace Conference

Prince Rashid N Yusuf1Prince Rashid bin Mohammed bin Rashid bin Al-Maktoum & Yusuf Estes
Dubai Peace Conference 

Here's what I know for sure about Prince Rashid bin Muhamed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum:

I was introduced to him years ago, as the eldest son of the ruler of Dubai, U.A.E. and Vice President & Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates.

His name, according to Arab tradition contains his father's name, grandfather's name and tribal name.

Being first born of the ruler's family, it has naturally bin expected he would be responsible for this father's legacy and assume the rule of his country in the event of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum's passing.

You could tell from his comments and ideas, he was well educated and graduated from Sandhurst back in 2002, before I even met him for the first time.

I know Prince Rashid enjoyed sports and people. He dearly loved horses and his hobbies included racing and soccor. He was a dedicated football fan, in support of Manchester United.

If you ever met him, you could see right away, he was polite, even tempered, a gentleman, and quite a talented sportsman, having won two gold medals for riding in endurance races at the Asian Olympics in 2006.

Dubai Cares ORG
Dubai Cares Organization for Children Around the World

Prince Rashid was also dedicated to serving others both with his wealth and his time. One of his philanthropic efforts was spending considerable time working with Dubai Cares, a philanthropic organisation helping to give primary education for kids around the planet.

Advice to the believers: "Let's all make dua for him and ask Allah to grant him Forgiveness for any mistakes and give him Paradise (and us too), ameen."

Prince Rashid N Yusuf
"We miss you - and ask Allah to make things easy - always, ameen"


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#4 Mohamed M Sillah 2015-09-22 11:47
May Allah forgive him and give him jannah ameen
#3 rima masri 2015-09-22 02:12
Salam aleikum sheikh yusuf .I agree with every single word you said . Thank you.
#2 Abu Kathir 2015-09-21 18:26
نسأل الله أن منح له الجنة. نسأل الله أن يجعله من الشهداء يغفر أي أخطاء، آمين. ربنا اغفر الأخ رشيد ومنحه أعلى مكان في الجنة الخاصة بك، آمين.

We ask Allah to grant him paradise. We ask Allah to make him of the martyrs forgive any mistakes, ameen. Our Lord Forgive brother Rashid and give him the highest place in your paradise, ameen.
[Thank you brother Abu Kathir]
#1 Maria 2015-09-21 16:34
May Allah (swa) GRANT him REFUGE according to his actions & intentions and have the surviving family members DONATE with open arms of Allah' s ENTRUSTED bounty to the millions of suffering and persecuted Muslims specially to all SYRIAN REFUGEES suffering around the world. Please brother ESTEES if you know them so well and are so close to them then INTERCEED for the entire ummah!

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