NO! Free Speech?
Huckabee & Cruz
Speak Up for Kim Davis
ISLAM NEWSROOM - “Christian Religion Now Under Attack”
Well it was bound to happen sooner or later and now it looks like Muslims are not the only ones under attack by the liberals - just for holding conservative religious views and speaking up about them.
Same-Sex marriage is a real "Hot Topic" these days for Islamic scholars and religious Muslims (even some not-so-religious Muslilms too).
But they are obviously not the only ones speaking out and being put out for their "free speech".
Read . . .
Grayson, KY - Senator Ted Cruz (Rep-TX) came out in support of Kim Davis, the Carter County clerk who refused issuing “same-sex” marriage licenses.
Senator Cruz is 2016 Republican hopeful, along with former governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee who is now billing on Twitter as #ImWithKimLibertyRally.
Catherine Frazier, spokesperson for Ted Cruz says, “It’s important to Senator Cruz for Kim Davis to know, he supports her and will do everything in his power to ensure her situation is resolved and no other Americas who strive to live out their faith fall victim to religious persecution by the government”.
Continuing in the statement she also says, “The First Amendment - Freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of expression - is foundational to all other freedoms and Senator Cruz is committed to defending it all”.Cruz stated last week, Davis’s case shows “judicial lawlessness turned into judicial tyranny”, adding, “Those who are persecuting Kim Davis believe Christians should not serve in public office”.
Both candidates, Cruz and Huckabee are working to impress the social conservative and evangelical Christians for support and votes. The Kim Davis case exposes a strong division between 17 of the Republican candidates for the presidency, on matters of belief, faith and law. The Supreme Court ruling back in June sparked the divide over same-sex marriage around the country.
Dedicated Christians and other conservatives, along with Cruz and Huckabee came out in full support of Davis.
Former governor of Arkansas, Huckabee released his statement several days back saying, “Having Kim Davis in federal custody removes all doubt of the criminalization of Christianity in our country”.
His statement continued, “Five UN-elected Supreme Court lawyers did not and cannot make up law. They can only make rulings. The Supreme Court in NOT the “supreme branch” and it is certainly NOT the Supreme Being” (emphasis added).
Davis’s attorneys filed emergency request papers on Monday, to exempt her from the duty of issuing marriage licenses to the same-sex couples, claiming violation of her right to ‘Free Speech’.
During an appearance on ABC’s “This Week,” Huckabee was asked if Davis should be forced to obey the Supreme Court’s ruling on same sex marriage. He cited the Dred Scott decision.
Huckabee said: “So I go back to my question. Is slavery the law of the land? Should it have been the law of the land because Dred Scott said so? Was that a correct decision? Should the courts have been irrevocably followed on that? Should Lincoln have been put in jail because he ignored it?”
How about Kim Davis? - Should she just follow the mandates from the Supreme Court judges? Or quit her job? Or stay in jail?
Some liberals claim, "It's no different than an interracial couple being denied a marriage license".
— Or is it?
— Also, is it just me? Or does anyone else notice "It's the women who stand up and speak out first?"
In other news: Kim Davis was released today…
Want to say something about this?
I for one, am not convinced this issue is the same as "racism".
According to Islamic scholars, we are born perfect in front of Allah, but we make choices and will be held responsible for those choices.
But what do you say??
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