Gaza Youth Celebrate

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Dome of_the_Rock_sm

Islam Newsroom "Summer Camps in Gaza"

Gaza Palestine - Summer Camps - or Military Recruitment?

Dome of the Rock cut-outs fly up with balloons at graduation time for youth camps in Gaza. 1,000's of youngsters from across Palestine join Hamas sponsored summer vaction camps designed in part to ready young people for possible confrontation of attacks from Israeli military, say organizers.

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Palestinian youth by the thousands join "summer camps" more like basic training camps for military new recruits.

Hamas, Palestine's political movement, organizes these camps during summer vacation time in Gaza Strip for military confrontation, according the Hamas organizers.

Those attending graduation ceremonies see instead of the tradition caps being thrown into the air, cut-out images of the Dome of the Rock (a focal point for Arabs and devout Muslims everwhere) being raised to the sky by helium filled balloons.

(REUTERS/Suhaib Salem)


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