EVE - NOT GUILTY Mother of Humanity Cleared on Mother's Day

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EVE NOT_GUILTY_charges_dropped
Mother of Humanity Cleared
Innocent of Original Sin

Islam Declares Eve
(and all humans) Free of All Charges for Original Sin!

Eve, the mother of all humans (except Adam of course) finally has her name cleared for the charge of committing the "original sin" (Biblical claims from ancient times).

Recent information (just a little over 1,400 years ago) has come to light clearing Eve of the so-called "original sin".

Several former preachers, pastors, priests and bishops now acknowledge from evidence found in the Book of Islam (Quran) that in fact, Eve (wife of Adam and first mother of all other humans) is not the first (nor the last) sinner on earth.

Sources close to the events that took place so long ago have disclosed proof that in fact, neither Eve nor Adam, (peace be upon them) were guilty of the first sin.

Meanwhile, the devil (who some claim was disguised as a talking snake) is now being brought up on charges of false evidence, deceit, fabrications and outright lies.

Be on the lookout for this jinn in snake's clothing. He is considered harmed and injurious to the iman (faith) of all humans.

Psycologists suggest this new development could have serious impact on how women see themselves in the family and social life today.

Doctor Imma Knutt, of University of Messonderstonden in Lost Thoughts, Michigan said, "This could be something or other."

One former music minister from Texas, Yusuf Estes, has composed a piece of poetry to outline what really took place and how Eve was cleared and forgiven by the Almighty God of the universe.

Allah created Adam from the earth,
From Adam’s rib He gave Eve birth.

Only One God without partners, did they believe,
But, shayton whispered, tempted and deceived.

To Adam and Eve he whispered and lied,
Due to his ego, vanity and false pride.

“I’m better than Adam! He’s made of dirt and so are his folk!
I’m much better than he, made from fire without any smoke.”

Islam teaches us both Adam and Eve were equal in sin,
The devil whispered, but their misguidance came from within.

Adam our father and Eve our mother, were guilty it’s true,
But the devil sinned first! He lied - but the truth he knew.

So, from Heaven down to earth they were sent,
But Islam says both Adam and Eve did repent.

Adam and Eve knew they were wrong when they disobeyed.
So, they prostrated to Almighty God and they prayed.

“O God, O Lord - I disobeyed and I did forget,
Forgive my sin, O Lord for truly I regret.”

Allah heard their cry and  accepted their repentance
From a single most sincere, yet simple sentence.

In English we say, “Forgive me Allah and to You in repentance I turn!”
A great and wonderful Arabic prayer for us to learn.

Don’t follow the devil, that prideful and lying snake.
Instead, when you sin say, “Astaghfiruallah! Wa atubu elak!”

Remember Adam our father and our mother Eve when you pray,
And ask Allah to forgive your sins the very same way.

Islam says, even if you have sins as high as the sky or deep as the ocean,
Pray to Allah without partners, then He’ll forgive those sins, due to devotion.

Seriously, we’re all children of Eve - She’s our mother! And every day is MOTHER’S DAY

Happy Mother's Day

For All Moms Everywhere!
We love you!


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