Kids Today: Degeneration Generation?

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What's Up With Our Kids?

Planet Earth - TODAY - "The DAY Technology Surpassed Humans - A Generation of Idiots" - Albert Einstein

What did the world's top scientist, Dr. Albert Einstein mean by his statement: "I fear the day technology surpasses our human interaction. The world will have a generation of IDIOTS"

Look at these actual photos & think about it - then COMMENT PLEASE

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Having Coffee with Like-Minded Friends

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Enjoying A Day On The Beach

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Supporting the Home Team

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Special Night Out

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Enjoying Each Other's Company

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Fascinating Experience With Best Friends

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Looking at Views in All Directions

Dr Einstein_fears
What can we, as Muslims, say about this?


#6 Rohaid 2012-12-27 11:52
i really do think that is true because i mean now adays everybody has a cellphone and uses it everywhere
#5 Ahmed Saleh 2012-12-25 09:54
This could be one of the signs of judgement day prophet Mohammad spoke about when he said lots of books would be published yet people remain ignorant
#4 Ashik 2012-12-24 02:59
Exactcly correct. Iam a server in a restaurant in canada. everyday iam seeing this. people who come there for dining they dont have even time to talk eachother always on mobiles or ipads games.
#3 Afroze 2012-12-13 03:17
It is indeed a collective problem of the whole of humanity. Psychologists and religious leaders have to found a way out.

It is not afflicting any particular religious groups or community. This technology is making us robots.
#2 Afroze 2012-12-13 03:17
It is indeed a collective problem of the whole of humanity. Psychologists and religious leaders have to found a way out.

It is not afflicting any particular religious groups or community. This technology is making us robots.
#1 Arif 2012-12-13 03:17
So true!! This is real. now-a-days people can't live without a phone without considering fellow human. This is just a communicating device but it became the ONLY View. This is what i say as GETTING INVOLVED TO FITNA

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