Rev. Terry Jones Wants

to Burn More Qurans
Here he is AGAIN - the "Quran Burning Preacher in Florida" . . .
US Christian cleric Terry Jones has called for a World Wide Burning of holy Qurans on Saturday (TODAY) if the Iranian government does not release Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, a convert and preacher of Christianity in Iran.
Terry alleges that Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, an Iranian preacher was imprisoned for calling to Christianity and he now faces execution (according to some reports).
‘‘His fate is in the hands of Ayatullah Haajj Sayyid Ali Khamenei and those that can influence the Iranian government to release him so that he can rejoin his family and freely practice his chosen religion.’’ Terry claims.
He said his church had contacted Islamic leaders and Islamic government officials around the world and warned them that they would burn Qurans if Youcef was not released.
‘‘If Pastor Youcef is not released by 5 pm April 28th we shall burn the Qurans’’ the radical cleric warned.
It is reported that on April 24th, General John R. Allen, Commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and the U.S. Forces Afghanistan (USFOR-A) called Terry Jones and expressed his fear of retaliation against the US Military in Afghanistan if Terry carry’s on with his plans for April 28th. Terry is reported to have said he will continue with his plans. Religious analysts say if Terry burns the Quran they might be a huge backlash for him and his supporters.
Efforts to get a comment from the Iranian embassy in South Africa regarding this issue were futile as no one answered the phone.
Here is what we said two years ago - What has changed since there?
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This pastor in Florida is at it again. But now he is threatening the government of Iran. Last time it was Afghanistan that came under his attacks and USA government had to quiet him down to avoid attacks there against US military.
This man needs to be exposed for what he really is - a cheap, lying self-promoted "wanna-be" famous preacher...
We need to all work together collectively to let everyone know about "Laa elaha ill lah".
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Obviously, he has learned nothing about Islam and Muslims since his last big stand against Muslims when he tried to get everyone excited with "KORAN BURNING".
May Allah Guide him and set things in the right way, ameen.
P.s. keep up the wonderful work with Guide US TV & Islam Newsroom. I do like it too much.
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