Priest Made 10 yr. old
Boy Do Striptease
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April 28 - Combined News Updates
A witness testified that a former priest of the Philadelphia Archdiocese made him engage in various sexual acts when he was a 10-year-old altar boy.
The New Civil Rights Movement points to a Reuters report on a now 23-year-old witness who said Edward Avery forced him to do a striptease (take off his clothes in provocative manner).
"I was swaying back and forth and took off my clothes," says the witness. - Source: Reuters
The testimony came during the trial of Monsignor William Lynn, former secretary of the clergy, who is charged with child endangerment and conspiracy. The prosecution claims that Lynn tried to cover up the abuse accusations made against priests, some of whom were simply transferred to other parishes (and no reprimands) - Source: Reuters
The witness also said Avery told him, "God loves me, this is what God wants, and it was time for me to become a man" - Source: CNN
The boy, now in his 20s, was in the fifth grade when Avery undressed with him in a small storage room, told him that God loved him, had him engage in oral intercourse and then ejaculated on him.
Avery previously pleaded guilty to non-voluntary deviant sexual intercourse and conspiracy to endanger the welfare of a child.
Another witness claimed he was also abused by Avery.
"He had a lot of charisma," the witness said, according to a Philadelphia newspaper "He was very popular with young people."
Another newspaper, the Daily Mail, reported about an internal document that Lynn is accused of hiding, which says a Philadelphia priest joked about how hard it was to have sex with three boys in one week.
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And this is not related with Islam.
And it is not also related with Christianity.
Better erase it from the page please.
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