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Can Muslims Use Shortcuts Like:

in Articles, Chats & Emails?

How important is it to say, "Salallahu alayhi was salam" after the name of our prophet, peace be upon him?
Actually, there is a hadeeth, wherein the prophet, peace be upon him, said, "Ameen" and when his companions asked him what he meant by just saying "Ameen", he replied:
"The angel Gabriel (Jibril), peace be upon him, said to me:
"There is a curse of Allah upon the one who hears your name and does not say, "Salallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam" (Peace be upon him), and I said, 'Ameen'..."
NO PBUHWe see it is very important to pronouce these words upon saying the name of our prophet, peace be upon him. There is also rewards for saying this and especially making dua for him, peace be upon him, as much as you can on many occassions, such as Fridays.
But is it mandatory to say it each and every time we here the name of our prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him?
No. But for sure, I don't want to take a chance and for sure, I need all the rewards I can get, inshallah.
Does this have to be in Arabic?
Here is what we found from scholars about this topic ~

According to scholars, it is better to say, "Muhammad, salallahu alayhi was salam" and then you can say, "Peace be upon him" to take the most reward and avoid falling into the category of those who are mentioned by the angel Jibril, to be cursed.
However, if someone only translates it as, "Muhammad, peace be upon him" this should be no problem and could still have rewards with Allah.
But just typing four letters PBUH (for Peace Be Upon Him), certainly does not show much respect or care for on the part of the one who is too lazy or uneducated to know the words.
Some knowledgeable Muslims have made efforts to always spell it out and make sure anyone whether Muslim or non-Muslim, knew what we were saying and what we mean, and how important it is for us to say this.
NO SAWSConsider this, someone who is reading a forwarded copy of an email comes across this statement, "The Prophet PBUH, said..." Now they are going to think there is some prophet named PBUH and try to pronounce it - "Pebooh" or "PaBU".
What about saying "SAWS" after the prophet's name? Or when referring to him indirectly?
Actually, there is no such thing in Arabic as "SAWS".
Imagine someone writes, "When the prophet (SAWS) said...."
Now someone could think there is a prophet named "saws".

This is a very sad innovation for the lazy, internet Muslims who think it is OK to do this. I do not like it, but it is an abbreviation of "Salallahu Alayhim WSalam"
NO SWTAlso, when Muslims are talking about Allah, The Exalted, The Majestic and Sublime and they just type, "ASWT".
This is the transliteration of "Allah Subhannah WaTa'ala" as "ASWT". Some people will type the word "Allah" and then put "SWT" as though this is better.
But the non-Muslim thinks you are talking about some new "god" named "Allah swat". Aouthubillah.
The fact is, all of this is transliteration using the English letters to represent the Arabic, and then taking the first letter to represent the word that the Muslim is too lazy to type or he doesn't know how to spell.

Now look at the long email names Muslims use, for example: mohamed.bin_jubairy786@brothersofpeace_islamicinternational.co.uk
We all know someone has to memorize and type each and every one of those 65 letters & characters exactly right, every time. And this is also true of any other email they have to send to. You cannot miss a single letter or character, right?
NO JAKYet, when it comes to get the reward for saying "salams" on the prophet, peace be upon him, or for exalting the Greatness of Allah subhannah wa Ta'alah, seems Muslims don't want the rewards, and worse, do not even take the time to find out if this is even acceptable in Islam.
What is worse, is how many of our would-be scholars of today, do exactly the same thing, or even worse because they do not really know English and think it is OK to do this practice.
For me - I would not like to do it, I don't like to read it and I don't like to publish it. But so many people have done it in so many places, it seems hardly worth it, when there are so many others areas we are worrying about right now.

And what about "786"? What is this? (Borrowed from the HINDUS) - It's 'Shirk'!
NO 786The numbers 7-8-6 as we see them being used today, come mostly from India and Pakistan. But now unfortunately, other Muslims have begun to use this term as well.
They claim it represents the "Bismillah Rahman Raheem". However, there is no real evidence for this from Islam or the Arabic and of course there is clear evidence the Hindus came up with this.
It could be something in Urdu, but even that was not done by earlier scholars. In fact, some of the real scholars from these areas have told us, Muslims must not do these things.
Bottom line - If you are too tired or busy to type out the words, maybe you should disconnect from the Internet and come back when you have more time. At least enough time to type out your correct email address and the expressions related to our "God" (Allah Subhannah wa Ta'ala) Exalted and Majestic is He, and His Messenger (Salallahu alayhe was salam) peace be upon him.


P.S. I do know many of the writers of aritcles on our websites have used these abbreviations, but that still does not mean we like it, or endorse it.
Also: What about the numbers "786"? Do you think it is haram? Halal? Or what?
May Allah Al Ghafur, Ar-Raheem (The Forgiver, The Merciful) Forgive us and grant us all Mercy from Him, ameen.

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#23 Qaiser Ahmad Khan 2014-12-29 08:52
Numbers should/cannot be replaced with the names, Ayaths, dua or what so ever.
how pleasent would one feel if he/she would be called 303, 483...
some even think writing the name of Allah, ayaths or so on, is not respectful & so numbers suffice the purpose...
#22 Hamzah Lawi 2014-12-27 10:44
Nice article. Majority of us are guilty of such, but henceforth, we hope to correct our mistakes. May Allah pardon our shortcomings.
#21 Jolly Bimbachi 2014-12-27 08:52
I recently got a message with the the letters AOA. I could not figure out what they meant until I asked my teen age daughter. She told me it means Salam Alaikum. For me it looked like she way telling me(a yo hey) or using some kind of slang term. I do agree with the writer that we should type out these words. We give or religion and especially those terms much more respect, the respect they deserve.
#20 mohammad 2014-12-27 03:41
A nice work done to eliminate misconceptions about using abbreviations in Islamic terminology. May Allah subahan wa ta' alla continue to shower His blessings on you and other Muslims
#19 Jalala 2014-12-27 03:21
Alhamdullah...Y ou are right sheikh
#18 Abdullah S Usmani 2014-12-27 01:57
Assalaam Alaikum!
In complete agreement with your article that these abbreviations shouldn't be used and thus hold no significance. The same applies for the usage of 786 and it's usage should be discouraged to the fullest. However, there is one slight correction which I think should be made in the article. The usage of 786 wasn't an invention of kafirs. This was indeed started by some Muslims of Persian/urdu origin as a way of digitization of various words and sentences. Various letters in Persian and Urdu were assigned some numbers and accordingly the sentences or words were transformed into numeric codes and hence, the Muslims of the subcontinent started using it even for the pious words of Bismillah Arrahmaan Arraheem. However, this holds no significance and should be discouraged. JazakAllah for the article.
#17 Maaz 2014-12-27 01:47
Alhamdulillah it was useful but i think we all need to eliminate these short cuts. Isn't it.?
#16 Editor 2014-12-26 21:07
Asalaam alaykum. .. recently learned that 786 is also considered a lucky number by Hindus?

Editor: Yes. That is where the Muslims in India (and Pakistan) got from to start with.
Nothing to do with "Bismillah" or Islam. Just plain old "shirk".
But so many people just go by their "feelings", "opinions" and "thinking".
Allah Subhannah wa Ta'ala give hediya to all of us, ameen.
#15 Editor 2014-12-26 21:03
Quoting ml:
Assalaam u alaikum (ASA),__I agree we would not want to confuse non-muslims, but i think it is ok when using with muslims because we DO know what the abbreviations mean. When I see pbuh, I don't say to myself,

Editor: Actually, it doesn't matter what we "feel" or "think" or "opinion" for things related to worship in Islam.
The scholars have offered us proof from Quran & sunnah. Isn't that enough?
I really fear Allah when it comes to playing with words in Islam, because I have seen what it does over the centuries to Christianity and Judaism.
Best to fear Allah and spell the words like our scholars say, inshallah.
#14 ml 2013-06-27 13:16
Assalaam u alaikum (ASA),__I agree we would not want to confuse non-muslims, but i think it is ok when using with muslims because we DO know what the abbreviations mean. When I see pbuh, I don't say to myself,

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