Dr. Ali Altamimi (from prison) sends Message: "Tools of Conquest"

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"Allah's Promise is True" - Quote from Dr. Ali Altamimi in prison: 
"Allah is making it gentle for me, as He has promised for all persecuted falsely for His sake." 
- Dr. Ali also discussed "Tools of Conquest"

Dr. Altamimi's message to the Muslims in Ramadan is: "Allah's Promise is Truth." And he reminds us that all things work for the good of the believers, especially when they are persecuted for Allah's sake, and stay fixed on the truth. A great lesson for us all, ameen.

Read the following regarding my discussion with Ali about the "Tools of Conquest" (Islam in the Twilight Zone?" . . .

"The Tools of Conquest do not necessarily come with bombgs and explosives and fall-out.

There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices to found only in the minds of men.

For the record -  prejudices can kill and suspicions can destroy and a thoughtless frightened search for a scapegoat has a fall out all of its own for children and the children yet unborn.

And the pity of it is ... that these things cannot be confined to the - TWILIGHT ZONE."

. . . as you can see, this was a direct quote from a 1950's episode from the TV show "Twilight Zone." Yet, it is so fitting for the condition of many of our Muslim brothers and sisters today. Please continue to make dua to Allah for the truth to come out and for our beloved Dr. At-Tamimi to be vindicated and restored to his proper place in society as a Ph.D. and cancer research specialist.

Dr. Altamimi was in good spirits and said things are working out well, considering the conditions he and his family are in these days. Allah has Blessed him to be able to be here in Alexandria, VA during the month of Ramadan while awaiting the opportunity to have certain records opened up for the judge to see.

He only asks for us to make dua for him especially in the last ten days of Ramadan. We asked him to do the same for all of us.

Please remember Dr. Altamimi and his family in your prayers and ask Allah not to put us into the same or similar situation, ameen.

Note: Dr. Tamimi has been in prison for a crime that was never really defined, based on undisclosed evidences, and an illegal wire-tap. The jury was first ordered to watch a movie about Muslims fighting against Russians in Chechniya and were not allowed to hear clear proofs in favor of Dr. Tamimi - (God Bless America)


We all miss you Dr. Tamimi and we are waiting for Allah to bring out the truth and free you from this test as He did for the prophet Yousef, peace be upon him. O Allah, open your doors of Mercy and free Dr. Tamimi, ameen.


#1 munmud 2011-04-09 01:44
assalamu alaikum wa rehamathullahi wa barakathuhu,
we all ahve to face tests and tribulations in our lives, the more difficult the test , the faith becomes strong. i ll surely pray for u doctor, allah ll surely show his mercy on u insha allah. being muslims we know the truth , why to fear, i ll make dua for u tht allah hve the best plan and u ll be surely rewarded here and hereafter inshaallah
plz make dua for me also

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