Online TV (Good or Bad?)

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Easier Than Ever

But Is It Good?

Internet TV is going commercial. They promote many agendas, ideas, concepts and even religions - and make lots of money all the way.

Here's What Commercial TV Online Wants Us To Think -

5 Things We Must Know About Watching TV ONLINE:

Online, on-demand TV content is a convenient and fast-growing way to watch television programmes. It's a great service for those who want to catch up on missed shows, watch programmes from TV channels that they don’t have normal access to, or watch TV away from the home.

Unless you're watching a live broadcast, a TV Licence isn't required to watch TV online, which makes it a good value option. Here are five things to know about watching TV online.

1. It's Convenient

Online, on-demand content means that you can watch a programme from your computer, laptop or even smartphone. Unlike conventional TV, you're not restricted by a broadcasting schedule. Shows can be watched online at a time to suit you; whether that’s midday or midnight. You can even catch up on a missed show during your lunch break, or on the train or bus home; just don’t forget your headphones!

2. It's Easy

Watching TV online is fairly simple, as long as you know how to use a computer. High-speed broadband is needed, then it's simply a case of finding the programme that you want to watch, and pointing and clicking.

3. It's Growing

Many of the large broadcasters now offer online programming, including Channel 4's 4oD, the BBC’s iPlayer and ITV which has ITV Player. Watching programmes online is becoming increasingly popular and broadcasters are having to keep up with consumer demand.

4. It's Free

Essentially, watching TV online is free; and with so many people in the UK owning a computer, it’s more than likely that you already have the necessary equipment.

It is also advisable to choose a broadband package with unlimited downloads, as downloading and streaming programmes can quickly eat into a monthly broadband usage allowance.

You don't need to worry about TV Licensing when you watch TV programmes online, unless the programmes are being watched live (i.e. at the same time that they are being shown on television).

Should you want to watch programmes live, such as sports, it is essential to have a valid TV Licence.

Of course, unless you don't own a television (or only use one to watch DVDs), then you should already have a TV Licence. In that case, you don’t need to worry about watching live programmes from your computer, as they will be covered under your existing licence.

5. It's Flexible

One of the greatest benefits of online programming is that it's flexible. It is obviously convenient in terms of allowing you to watch television from different rooms or places, but many people are unaware that you can actually watch online programming through your television.

A simple HDMI cable is all that is needed to connect computer or laptop to television. You can then watch films or your favourite shows in all their glory, on a big screen.

Flexibility and convenience are two of the key aspects of watching online TV programming. In these modern times we all have busy lives, and keeping up with the TV programmes we know and love can sometimes be difficult.

With online TV viewing you can catch up on the most talked about show of the week, or even rediscover an old favourite. The choice and quality of online programming is unparalleled in anything we have known before.

All in all, online TV programming is a convenient service that looks set to stay. It’s a great viewing option that can be utilised instead of (or together with) traditional live television, by anyone with access to the Internet

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#2 ferguson 2011-08-18 06:21
good or bad its here to stay. i think it is very powerful and can do a lot of good but a lot a lot a lot of bad. however, in order to get your message across, the message of truth, the message of Islam, we need to use these means to put forth the information that should be out there. i think technology has done a lot of good, it has given many muslims and non muslims access to information that they ordinarly would never of gotten, especially if it is from another country. lets focus on using tv and technology for good and for passing the message on.
#1 Abdullah1 2011-08-14 22:24
Get rid of the tv in your house. Trash your computer. Forget emails. Dump the text messages. Maybe your kids might get a decent education or even go the masjid more often.

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