Help! What Do I Say to Bahai Faith?
Answer: Just Say 'Bye-Bye Ba'hai'
We received a letter from a reader calling Muslims to the Bahai Faith. We found these teachings to be far away from what Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, brought. May Allah save us all from deviation, ameen. Here it is (answer follows): |
Dear Sir, Allah’u’Abha, I am writing to say that I am a member of The Bahai Faith. Bahais believe that all of the Great World Religions come from the one same God i.e.; Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Taoists, Jains, Confucianists,Shintoists,Rastafarians, Bahais, etc. God sends messengers to Earth all down the ages throughout history, such as Adam, Noah, Krishna, Abraham, Moses, Zoroaster, Lao-Tzu, Gautama Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad,Guru Nanak, The Bab and Baha’u’llah. We believe that all forms of prejudice are wrong whether Racial, Religious, Class, Patriotic, Political or Gender. The Prophet Baha’u’llah (1817-1892AD) had a vision of a Utopian future World SuperSociety where all races and religions will live together in Peace and Harmony. There will be no more War, Starvation, Poverty or Disease This must come about gradually. Baha’u’llah wrote 100 volumes giving us a blueprint for a new society. He said”Every man has been created to carry forward an ever advancing civilization”. He claimed to be the return of Christ and the messenger for this day and age, like other messengers were meant for previous epochs in history. He also spent 40 years in Prison and Exile and wrote to the Kings and Leaders of the World inviting them to help bring about the long awaited Kingdom of God on Earth and a New World Order. He said “These fruitless strifes these ruinous wars shall pass away and The Most Great Peace shall come”. His forerunner The Bab wrote many volumes. The Bab was executed by firing squad. Baha’u’llah’s eldest Son ‘Abdu’l-Baha wrote many volumes and so did Baha’u’llah’s GreatGrandson Shoghi Effendi who died in London in 1957AD There are now 6 Million Bahais worldwide and it is second only to Christianity in it’s geographical spread. Bahais come from every conceivable background and are practical in their approach. It is a common sense religion.. Bahais believe in :- One God, The Oneness of Humankind, Life After Death, Independent Investigation of Truth, The Essential Harmony of Science and Religion,Extraterrestrial Life, Equality of Men and Women, Elimination of Prejudice of all Kinds, Universal Compulsory Education, Spiritual Solutions to Economic Problems, A Universal Auxiliary Language,Treading the Mystical Path with Practical Feet, Work is the Highest form of Worship, Putting it into Practice, Universal Peace Upheld by a World Government - (The NEW WORLD ORDER? - emphasis added) The Bahai Faith is being persecuted in Iran, the land of it’s birth. 20,000 Bahais have been executed since 1844AD ![]() Yours Sincerely (name withheld) |
Here is a reply from [Yusuf Estes is quoting from Bahai sources] | |
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful Also, in chapter 3, verse 19, Allah says, "Verily, the only religion with Allah is Islam". When we tried to present your letter to some others from various faiths we received only comments like this: |
This website contains an exhaustive Baha'i perspective of the Baha'i Faith in relation to Islam.
"O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done." [Qur'an 49:6]
My kid can firugure out that one with out even thinking too much about it. All religions in one pot? Dopes!
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