Yusuf Estes in NY

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Call-In LIVE Shows - Yusuf Estes
yusuf_estes_site1Nightly on Guide US TV

Join Yusuf Estes and Sheikh Amr Tonight - LIVE Call-in Program

Tonight (8 PM to 11 PM EST) program (live) Questions and answers - and so much more.(satellite & Internet)
Be sure to tell everyone on Facebook, Twitter and text messages - do it now and join us LIVE this tonight on Guide US TV.
(For Muslims & Non-Muslims)

Now - At Last, Yusuf Estes Has His Own Website - Over 2,000 websites and 12 years of dawah for Islam & Muslim organizations, Yusuf Estes has a website about him and what he is doing. Check it out  - -
Too many non-Muslim websites have been saying incorrect information about Yusuf Estes and his many projects. But now, thanks to some volunteer worker, we have a website about Sheik Yusuf, without all of the hype and exaggerations - or misinformation.
yusuf_estes_site5Facebook, Twitter and Wikipedia (Sheik Yusuf calls it "Wicked Pedia"!) all present differing messages about Islam, Muslims and even the leaders themselves. So, it is time we all work together to get the right message and information out to the people everywhere.

Whether you are a Muslim or non-Muslim, it is necessary to have the correct information before making conclusions - right? Going to the sources is of course, the very best way to do that.

Accordingly after years of producing thousands of websites for Islam and Muslim organizations - Yusuf Estes finally made a website for us to know more about what he is doing and where he is (Islam Events.com).

Maashallah, it is about time we hear from him about Sheik Yusuf from reliable sources.

The website for Yusuf Estes is simply called - www.YusufEstes.com - Just click on the image above, inshallah. And be sure to leave a message on his "blog" too.


#3 aya 2011-04-25 23:50
Assalamu Alaikum, sister Amy!__I am very happy for you that you entered Islam, and Insha'allah, Allah will strenghten your heart and resolve.__To my knowledge, I don't think the Sheikh replies via comment box, so I have email link for him that I think you can use... here they are: [email protected]
__Furthermore, here are several websites that can help: ___www.ShareIsl am.com and www.YouTubeIslam.com and www.99islam.com and www.IslamDomains.comand www.ChatIslam.com and www.WatchIslam.com and www.HearIslam.com and www.AllahsQuran.comand www.GodAllah.com and www.ProphetOfIslam.com and www.YusufEstes.com (about priests
#2 Elsabagh, Said AbdEldaim 2011-04-24 09:56
I do love you in Allah, For Allah and to Allah my brother Muslim Yusuf Estes.
I still remember every time you spoke to us on Lackland, AFB mosque.
Please read my forwarded message to you on your mail and Publish mt Peace song ( Accept the other) for all humans to read and understand I hop it helps.
Brother forever
#1 amy 2011-04-20 23:35
I was a rebirth Muslim 2 months ago...but up to now I am still confused whether I made the right decision or not. My life is very complicated and I need to seek answers to my questions.My Muslim friend told me to send you a message because she knows you can help me. Inshallah i will hear from you soon.

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