'Fake Muslim' Rulers Exposed

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Saddam Hussein, Mubarak, Ben Ali, Ghaddafi, Yasar Arafat, Bashar Assad Not Muslims?

This article is sent in by a reader of our website who provided evidences for his claims.
However, Islam Newsroom is not responsible for mistakes or claims made.

Salams - peace.
I just wanted to say, things are finally coming out in the open and thanks to Allah and the Internet - at last we can be heard. Al Hamdulilah (praise be to Almighty God)

Anyway, according to latest news reports, the president of Syria, Bashar Al-Assad is not a conventional Muslim at all. Al-Assad, claims to be from the "Alaween", direct decendents of the blood line of Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) cousin, Ali ibn Abi Talib, and as such is "saved" by the blood line and does not have to adhere to the teachings set forth in the Quran and hadeeth of the prophet, peace be upon him.

Incidentally, another person from Syria making false statements of about Islam and Muslims there, Wafa Sultan, has been exposed on a number of websites for lying about everything from supposedly seeing her professor "being killing by extreme Islamics" to lying regarding gaining citizenship to the United States. According to the sources, she never really left Islam, because she never was a Muslim - all along she was an "Awlyat" (from the Alaween sect).

Reports show other "Muslim" leaders are or were, in fact, not Muslims, but from various extreme sects, well outside the norm for average Muslims.

Yasar Arafat was reportedly from the some little known sect of Christian mixed with a sect of Muslims, and was on television in the 1990's taking communion, along with his wife, at the famous Church in Jerusalem.

Egypt's president Mubarak, is well known for his love and devotion for the Pharoah's and their gods, and his oppressive treatment of Muslims following real Islam.

Libya's Moamar Ghaddafy is no exception, he even wrote his own "Green Book" to replace the Quran, and made his own rules and regulations as it suited him.

Saddam Hussein, formerly ruler of Iraq until the Gulf War, has shifted from being an atheist (Bathy) to various sects of Islam, as he saw fit. He even forced a scholar to stand over him while he prayed on TV so all the "believers" to see how religious he was, at the same time calling these same people to a "holy war" against the "Christians" of the west.

Come to think of it, all of these oppressive rulers across northern Africa and parts of the Holy Land and Middle East, do not actually uphold or represent true teachings of the peace, mercy and tolerance Islam calls for. Could this be one of the major problems for such violence and extremism coming out of these places?

And when you think about it, the common people of these countries appear to be just "fed up" with it all. These oppressive rules take away the wealth of the land (read 'oil money' here), enslave the people, indoctrinate them with false notions of their religion and then kill their children in front of their eyes. Almost makes you want to "protest" these actions, eh?

Then when we look back to the beautiful and peaceful way the common people came together from the Christians, Muslims and others in Egypt, we saw them holding up their Bibles and Qurans and holding hands united against the real terrorist regime of Mubark. Remember too, how the Muslims in the military embraced them and held up the signs of peace.

Could it be when these despots and ego maniacs are replaced with more democratic and honest (real) Muslim rulers, things could actually be normal for over a billion people? Muslims who have suffered for decades under the oppression and false representation of Islam might actually have a chance to live together with the rest of the world, sharing the same hopes and desires for a better future?

This is one Muslim who is saying, "Please Lord! Let it be so!"
And thanks to Islam Way, Islam Online and Islam Newsroom for running my story.
(name withheld until my country is free from this non-Muslim leader)


#5 Abu Abdullah 2011-04-01 09:04
"The basic comprehensive principle of sharee ’ah is that it is not
permitted to remove an evil by means of a greater evil; evil must
be warded off by that which will remove it or reduce it. Warding off
evil by means of a greater evil is not permitted according to the
scholarly consensus (ijmaa ’) of the Muslims. If this group which
wants to get rid of this ruler who is openly committing kufr
(disbelief) is able to do so, and can bring in a good and righteous
leader without that leading to greater trouble for the Muslims or a
greater evil than the evil of this ruler, then that is OK. But if
rebellion would result in greater trouble and lead to chaos,
oppression and the assassination of people who do not deserve to
be assassinated, and other forms of major evil, then that is not
permitted. Rather it is essential to be patient and to hear and obey
in matters of good, and to offer sincere advice to the authorities,
and to pray that they may be guided to
good, and to strive to reduce evil and increase good. This is the
correct way which should be followed, because that is in the
general interests of the Muslims, and because it will reduce evil and
increase good, and because this will keep the peace and protect the
Muslims from a greater evil."
This verdict was given by the former/late grand mufti of Saudi
Arabia, Abdulazeez ibn Baaz, in Majmoo ’ Fataawa wa Maqaalaat
Mutanawwi’ah li Samaahat al-Shaykh al-‘Allaamah ‘Abd al-‘Azeez
ibn ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Baaz, vol. 8, p. 202.
#4 Leila 2011-03-31 04:53
Who are we to judge who is and who is not muslim? This is the job of Allah alone. Sadam was killed while saying "La illaha illah Allah". Many people have done many bad things in their life (Talking about myself first and for most) but thanks to Allah there is forgiveness. We do not know the intentions of these people. Many of the ones we think are bad are going to be the ones granted jennah and many of the ones we think are good are going to be granted hell fire. ONLY Allah knows and is the judge of ALL man kind.
First and for most we should look at our own actions and character then see what we can do to make ourselves better. None of us are without sin.
#3 KIMOKO 2011-03-29 18:18
salam alakum... thank u 4 the story, im a new revert to islam and i want all the knowledge that i could get about islam... please continue....AL- hamdulillah...
#2 Awabnavi 2011-03-28 07:31
Allah says "O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust." (5:51). Note that Allah says "And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them". This makes many of our "Muslim Rulers" Jews and Christians and they SHOULD therefore be removed and MUBARAK was one of "THEM".
#1 Abdullah 2011-03-26 17:40
Assalamaoalaiku m Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

Jazakum Allahu Khair , for sharing your views and some facts and figures. I don't know the claim you have made about any of the rulers, not that I deny them but it's just I haven't heard it yet or checked any references/evid ences. Peace and justice on this earth will never prevail until the Muslims are ruled by what Allah(SWT) has revealed i.e the Shari'ah of Allah(SWT). I can see people revolting in the Muslim Lands are looking and seeking for different philosophhy than to Qur'an and Sunnah, but we are Muslims and the only philosophy which will work for us is Qur'an and Sunnah
I have a question for you--> on closing you mentioned

Could it be when these despots and ego maniacs are replaced with more democratic and honest (real) Muslim rulers, things could actually be normal for over a billion people? Muslims who have suffered for decades under the oppression and false representation of Islam might actually have a chance to live together with the rest of the world, sharing the same hopes and desires for a better future?
¬Do you seek to have many Muslim rulers for each country? when Islam says "If pledge of allegiance is given to 2 rulers (Khilafatian kill the latter of them ( Muslim).¬

This is one Muslim who is saying, "Please Lord! Let it be so!"
And thanks to Islam Way, Islam Online and Islam Newsroom for running my story.
(name withheld until my country is free from this non-Muslim leader)
¬What country are you talking about ? do you beleive in Nationalism( Assabbiyyah) whilst Rasool Allah(SAW) " He is not one of us (Muslims) who calls for Asabbiyyah( Nationalism,Tri balism) or who fights for Asabbiyyah ( Nationalism, Tribalism) " --- (Abu Dawood)

I struggle to understand how come the blessed Shiekh Yusuf Estes or any other Scholars who are associated with Islam Way, Islam Online and Islam Newsroom haven't flagged this yet?

Please pardon me if I have misinterpreted your story ,if I have please cler this ambiguity in my mind.

Jazakium Allahu Khair.


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