Strangely, the previous government's secuirty officials had approached him several times to provide instruction and assistnace in helping disaffected youth amongst the British.
Think about it for a moment...
What kind of message does this send out from the new head of "Home Security"? (Do you feel more secure with people like this running our governments? -editor)
Now just after the new government take over, Ms May bans him from entering the country, claiming he made contentious quotes when all he did was give clear examples of who real terrorists are and how to deal with them head on. Dr Naik challenged her decision in the High Court, stating his comments have been grossly taken out of context.
Dr Naik had said:
"In 2009, I was sounded out by government officials representing the Home Office and the anti-terrorism department to see if I would co-operate with them to reach out to misguided young Muslims.
"They said I would make an ideal envoy. I told them I would be happy to co-operate. Now after the change of government, the attitude has changed. Only last year the Government wanted me to help tackle terrorism; this year they are calling me a terrorist."
Dr Naik discussed how uses his television channel, Peace TV, to help spread his message to disaffected Muslims and invited the officials to one of his talks.
Dr. Zakir Naik, famous for his excellent debates and founder of the internationally famous Peace TV, was barred by Thersa May, director of Home Security, from entering the UK in June. This was just days before he was due to give talks to thens of thousands of Muslims in London, Birmingham and Sheffield – But just before the general election he was twice requested by British security officials to help reform some youth who were danger of becoming extremists.
The subject was brought up again when Dr Naik's UK office held a meeting with Home Office security officials. Legal documents lodged at the High Court state that on 3 June, Dr Naik's representatives met Charles Farr, director general of the Office for Security and Counter-terrorism (OSCT), along with Sabin Khan, a community adviser, and Debbie Gupta, also of the OSCT. The documents state that at the meeting Mr Farr said he was in favour of Dr Naik coming to the UK.
Ms Gupta, who is a facilitator for the Government's Prevent programme – which aims to stop people from becoming terrorists by reaching out to Muslim communities – is quoted as saying: "Dr Naik can reach the people we simply cannot."
The documents also allege that, in subsequent telephone calls, Ms Khan reiterated that she and Mr Farr felt Dr Naik's visit to the UK could be "very constructive and positive". She got suspended from her position after criticising Ms May's decision.
Dr Naik hired two lawyers to fight his case. Defeat for Ms May would be embarrassing, as the order was her first test in office relating to government policy on perceived extremists. In her letter highlighting the reasons for his exclusion, Ms May quoted Dr Naik's assertion that "all Muslims should be terrorists" as one example of his "unreasonable behaviour". The video (on our site) shows clearly the statement was taken out of context.
"I said every Muslim should be a terrorist to each and every anti-social element in society... but no Muslim should ever terrorise a single innocent human being," (watch the video for yourself)
Another passage quoted in the court document is said to come from a 2006 lecture, in which Dr Naik said of Osama bin Laden: "If he is fighting the enemies of Islam, I am for him." The date of this video and the comment was not in 2006, as claimed by Ms. May, but rather in 1998 - three years before the September 11, 2001 attacks.
When asked for the position of the government after these facts came to light a spokesperson for UK Home Office said: "It would be inappropriate to comment on an ongoing court case. The Home Secretary will consider many views in making a decision but will exclude an individual if she considers that their presence in the UK is not conducive to the public good. We will defend this position robustly."
Dr Zakir Naik
* Ranked the 82nd most powerful person in India last year, Dr Zaik was born in Mumbai in 1965 and trained in medicine at university. He abandoned this career in 1991 to concentrate on preaching, founding the Islamic Research Foundation which uses the media and its own television channel – Peace TV – to promote understanding of Islam.
Other comments made in various programs and videos indicate his heavy treatment toward those who are aggressive in their hatred and violent towards Islam, Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
Dear Dr. Zakir Naik We Love you.
Keep it up Dr.Zakir Naik......don't give up.Maybe it's A test for us from Allah ....May Allah give us strength and patience.....Am een
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