Against UK Home Security
London, UK -- Dr. Zaikr Naik Wins UK BAN CASE
Muslims around the world were saddened by the news of Dr. Zakir Naik's victory in the recent court case regarding him being banned from entering the UK for a Peace Conference one year ago in July, 2010.
Dr. Naik stated he had been banned and fully intended to bring the matter into the courts to expose the hatred and misconceptions being thrown in his direction by the new director of Home Security in UK, Theresa May. When May took office only months before it had been obvious from the beginning the Muslims there were going to be put on alert and the UK was no longer going to tolerate Muslim activities of any kind, peaceful or otherwise.
Now what remains is for the Muslims everywhere to pray and continue to ask Allah Almighty, to grant success to Dr. Zakir Naik in any and all legal battles regarding whether or not he is or supports terrorists.
Here is the official letter sent to us:
From the Office of Dr. Zakir Naik
Maqbool Barwelkar,
Public Relation Manager
Dear Brother,
I pray to Allah (swt) for your health, happiness and vigor in Islamic spirits. Aameen.
Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah (swt) and with all your Duas, Dr. Zakir Naik survived the first round of his court battle against the British Home Secretary Theresa May’s controversial ban on his entry to the United Kingdom .
The Home Secretary wanted the case to be heard in the High Court in the routine lineup which would have taken years.
The high court has ordered two days fast track hearing from 20th October 2010 and further ordered to wrap up the case with in 2 days.
We request you to make dua for his success and accept his efforts in spreading the word of truth.
The Press Release of the same is attached for your reference.
May the blessings of Almighty Allah be with you, your family and with all those helping to further the Noble Cause of Islam. Aameen.
Yours in the service of Islam,
Maqbool Barwelkar,
Public Relation Manager
The is not over until Dr. Zakir Naik is cleared in any and all upcoming cases in the UK. Please continue to pray for him and his family and all those who are working with his projects around the world.
We ask you to - READ - RATE - COMMENT - AND SHARE THIS PAGE with everyone you know.
May Allah give you and your family the greatest level in Janna.
Nasrumminallahi wa fathun khareeb.
Allah maak Dr. Zakir
Qur'an Ch 3: V 54 - And they disbelievers) plotted, and Allah planned too. And Allah is the Best of the planners.
Dr Zakir naik has planned to speak the truth and remove misconception about Islam. Insha Allah he will be able to come to UK and deliver a speech.
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