
[Going VIRAL RIGHT NOW! Over 1,000 hits per hour? Maybe because so many women came to Islam after understanding the message in this story!
Orginially it was a comment from a new sister about the answer given by Yusuf Estes nearly ten years ago - Since then many women have come to Islam through this understanding from Quran & Sunnah]
Hi guys, just sayin - found this article by Sheik Yusuf Estes, got me interested in Islam 'n sharing it with everyone.
Please, whether you're a mother, father, brother, sister, husband or wife, read this. Inshallah, it's great information.
Only takes a little time to read all the way through.Thanks to Allah, to Sheikh Estes and peace to all,
(new sister in U.S.A.)
Originially answered on by Yusuf Estes, National Muslim Chaplain, Washington, D.C. USA
Bismillah Rahman Raheem. Salam alaykum,
Non-Muslim lady complains about "over-protective" way Muslim men are toward women.
Here's her question:
Dear sirs, ok my questions is, why are Muslim men so jealous and over protective of women? *Jewels Are Precious – So Protect Them |
Dear Debbi, thank you for your question. It shows you are in need a clear view of the teachings of Islam.
When someone has a jewel or any precious item one always treats it with great respect and protects it against any loss. One may even build a special place to keep it or place it in a vault for security. Perhaps one may even hire a guard to insure that it will not be stolen. These things are most obvious to all of us and nothing here seems strange at all. ![]() By the way, some people ask us: In reply to that, I would ask them : * Allah commands us to tell believing woman to lower her gaze and to protect her, guard her private parts and protect her chastity. She is being well advised by her father, brother, husband, son and all of us, to cover herself. * Amazing how people think the more women exhibit their beauty, especially their bodies in front of strangers is something to be admired and it's even encouraged. * Many large corporations protect their shareholders from losses, but at the same time produce cosmetics, jewelry & clothing that do exactly the opposite for our ladies. Money, lust & vain desires are the primary reasons for this exploitation today. ![]() Now please consider my questions - 1. Let's ask: 'Why are women exposed in public so men see them in ways they would not see them even in the privacy of their own homes?" 2. Another question, ‘Why is modern society so far away from basic concepts of moral and correct behavior that was originally ordered by the Almighty Lord of the Universe. As each year passes, we see more and more deviation away from the high standards once considered normal for proper attire and public behavior?" 3. And this question, “Why do women tolerate the fashion designers, cosmetic companies and women's magazines - making huge fortunes by convincing poor beguiled women of an unrealistic idea about needing to show themselves off like they were to be displayed in a market, or cattle auction? Just so men can look them over and then decide how they ‘rate’ them?” So actually, Islam preserves the correct, proper dress code, not just for ladies, but for men as well. ![]() Additionally, defining the proper attire for the sexes, Islam also carefully instructs both men and women on how to behave toward each other. For instance, the Qur’an tells us in surah An-Nur in verses 30 and 31 exactly how to act in the presence of the opposite sex: “Tell the believing men to LOWER THEIR GAZE…” And then “Tell the believing women to LOWER THEIR GAZE….” So, immediately we understand that it is more than just the clothing that is desired. It is the proper respect and behavior of the two sexes toward each other at all times. QUESTION: Why does Islam say to treat women in the way Quran says? Because THEY DESERVE IT! Here's my statement on the way we Muslim men are to treat women: "Our women deserve respect, honor, dignity, compassion, consideration, care, gentle and kind treatment - because they are gems, jewels, precious and most of all, they are Muslimahs (Muslim ladies who love Almighty God, and God loves them). And because they are obedient to Almighty God, worshipping Him, alone without partners, and living as true servants of the Lord - we men must serve them, care for them and love them, because it is our duty as true Muslim men." Please check my new website for ISLAMS WOMEN .com Thanks for your good question and may Allah guide us all to the truth, Ameen. Salam alaykum, Original answer by Yusuf Estes for 2002
Don't think of Islam as just another religion. Islam (Means = Surrender, Submission, Obedience, Sincerity & Peace) is for all people, in all places & in all times. |
I pray for your long life so that you serve the umma in the days to come.
Allah will reward you for this.
Allah hafiz
In a society where things are spiraling backwards Islam came to take society forward.
Islam liberates women from the dictates of fashion, society & submission of man's desire.
EDITOR TO CUPCAKE: You are right. We do not need men making up rules after Allah has already given clear Commandments. Our women put on hijab because -- THEY WANT TO.
Brilliantly put. Jazakallah khair.
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