See for yourself - Islam Is Rising -
Proof - Islam is the fastest growing.. .. religion in the world.
According to the Catholic Church, Islam has now become number one on earth.
Is it because they are worried people will find out the truth?
Because they might get caught in their lies?
Or is it because Islam teaches punishment for doing evil? And they know the evil they are doing?
Find out now -
Find out more about Islam and what it really teaches - before it's too late:
(find out exactly who he really was and what everyone really says)
(find out exactly who he really was and what everyone really says)
Jazak Allah
ya sheikh!
[Editor Comments -
Here is a translation of the meanings of Quran - from our website at www.AllahsQuran.com :
"If good touches you, it distresses them; but if harm strikes you, they rejoice at it. And if you are patient and fear Allah, their plot will not harm you at all. Indeed, Allah is encompassing of what they do."
Sorry you wrote everything in Arabic - and our sites only deal in English - please write again and tell us what you meant in English, inshallah]
If you guys want the truth - www.Islamsrising.com
(usually we don't publish other websites but our own)
==[Editor - Actually, we offer a lot of proof, not just talk. Please enjoy our many websites all based on clear evidences from reliable sources. If you care to refute lies, please join us, this is what we Muslims deal with all day long. Here are some of our sites for your pleasure:
www.WhatsIslam.com (true meaning of the word and how it applies)
www.GodAllah.com (totally proves what you said about our prophet, peace be upon him, is not true - He never worshiped anything, only Allah, and so do Muslims).
www.BridgeToFaith.com (excellent examples of how Muslims work with Christians for truth, proof and peace).
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