They Said It - We Agree: Islam IS Rising
Jews, Christians, Hindus, atheists and pagans - men and women - from all over the world keep entering Islam, even today with people in the news and in the pulpits critisizing and even lying about Islam and what it teaches.
Amazing Home Videos Made by Converts:
While some people want you to believe Islam and Christianity cannot exist side-by-side, the proof is all around us. For centuries the Muslim run countries protected both Jews and Christians alike, while providing a tolerant and peaceful society for monotheistic religions to live together in peace.
Examples abound all through history. Take for example, the movie "Passion of Christ" - when Mel Gibson decided to make this film really authentic and use the language that Jesus, peace be upon him, spoke - where did he go to find the only living humans still speaking this language? Syria, of course. That is the only place people still speak the Aramaic language believed to be the language spoken by Jesus, peace be upon him, and his followers.
For the last 14 centuries Muslims of Syria have provided a safe haven for their Christian brothers, protecting them from being exterminated (as many other Christains were wiped out in other places). At the same time allowing them to continue to the religion of their choice.
Check out the website for yourself -
More? See home videos of hundreds of converts to Islam - Christians, Jews, Atheists, Americans, French, Latinos, German and more [click here].
Here is another link to
May Allah reward everyone at shareislam with the most highest level of Jannat!!!!!!!!!
These all videos r really beautiful, it makes my eman strong n at the same time make me feel shy because as muslims we knw all things but dont follow it but these reverts r so optimistic in their religion, thank u brother yusuf for uploading these videos, may Allah reward u n grant u jannah, ameen!!
ur sis in islam!!
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