Israelis Terrorize Mosque in Palestine

You Will Pay the Price!

Israeli Settlers Blamed for Terrorism
Israel (Palestine) - Jummah (Friday 11th)
Nation of Islam? Real Muslims?

What About Nation of Islam?
Minister Louis Farrakhan, Leader of N.O.I.
Is This True Islam? (Find out)
Learn about the Real N.O.I. (Nation of Islam)
"Real Islam"? (video)

Real Islam? |
Get Real Facts - NOW |
Right-Wing-Nut Terror Fantasy

"Right-Wing-Nut" - Wound Up Too Tight! - Obviously too many hard-core Islamophoic blogs..
Islam's Limits (rights?)

Real Rights & Limits
"What the Devil Doesn't Want You to Know"
Rights are important to us all - But...
Blackwater Militants & CIA Clandestine Raids

Contractor Security Linked to CIA Attacks
ASHINGTON – Private security guards working for Blackwater USA participated in clandestine CIA raids against suspects in Iraq and Afghanistan,
CIA Killer Drones Exposed

"Flying Bombs" Under Question in DC
Clandestine operation assasinated many people alleged to be..
STOP Home-Grown Terror?

5 DC Area Youths in Pakistan
Home-Grown Terrorism?
Home-Grown Hype? Or Combination of Both?
Eminent danger for our future is here in America. About this there can be no doubt. Many Muslims deny or ignore the fact, our own Muslim youth are being..
CAIR Helps FBI Find 5 Youths

5 Missing Youths Found In Pakistan
National Council on American Islamic Relations said, "The Muslim community has taken the lead in bringing this case to the attention of law enforcement..
5 DC Muslims Found in Pakistan

Reportedly Held on Terror Charges
Report just in, alleges 5 U.S. youths are held in Pakistan. Possible investigation to terrorism. U.S. agents are..
US Drone Kills AlQaeda Leader

Saleh Al-Somali Killed

in Drone Strike on..
Taliban - "STOP" Killing Muslims!

Muslims Killing Muslims?
Extremists Bombing Mosques?
Who Say "STOP" to All This?
"Disturbing Video" Says CAIR

5 Muslim Youth' Video: "Disturbing"
WASHINGTON - CAIR Director, Nihad Awad says, a video left behind by the five young Muslims who disappeared from...
Michael Jackson’s Lawyer Accepts Islam

U.S. Millionaire Becomes Muslim
Here's his story - from the one who was there...
5 Caught in Pakistan (video)

Five U.S. Muslim Youths Found in Pakistan
5 young Muslims left the U.S. on Eid Day - for what they thought would be..
US Blamed for Pakistan Terror

Quetta, Pakistan: "War on terror is not really designed to uproot terrorists from the region.." says Chief of..
Congress Concerned - Obama's $3B Strategy

Washington - Congress questions Obama over his proposed $3,000,000,000 in expenses and on national security issues of US in Afghanistan.Top U.S. members of the joint bodies in the Capitol are highly concerned over President Obama's..
Anti-Islam Riot in UK

Rioting! Violence! Insults!Rioting and violence broke out between police and members of a very caustic group calling themsleves the English Defence League (EDL).
The event occurred during a city centre protest with over 500 marchers, drinking alcohol, screaming foul language, insulting Muslims and
Science: Sun To Rise From the West!?

Prophecies Coming True?
Earth "flips" over and spins backwards?
Could the earth "flip" on its axis and cause..
Liberal Europe vs Islam

Europe': Ultra Liberal - Ultra Conservative
Or Just Plain Anti-Islam?
Reports across Europe indicate the former liberalist attitude once prevalent..
Obama To Accept Taliban But Not AlQaida

Obama Against Al-Qaida
Not Taliban?
Washington, D.C. – White House spokesman says, President Obama now accepts Taliban's involvment in political future of Afghanistan and now..
Islam vs. Secular

What Does Islam Say?
Islamic Finance - Problem Or Solution?

Or Not To Borrow?"
That is the question - But does Islam have the answer?
And Is it Really Halal? (permissible) - Details..
E-Z Steps To Success

Motivating, inspiring, encouraging...
10 Women Enter Islam (part 2)

Women Entering Islam
Maryam MarcusJameelah - Former Jew
Afrah Alshaibani - former Church of Christ
Helena - Ex-Christian (part 2)
U.S. Soldier in Iraq Kills His Own Troops

U.S. Soldier Kills His Own Troops In Iraq
White "shocked & confused" - Reports say...
Officer? Doctor? Muslim? KILLER?

Doctors Don't Take Lives!
Soldiers Don't Kill Their Own!
And Muslims Don't Kill Innocent Souls!
So, how could Nidal Hasan, an army officer, medical doctor - practicing Muslim -
Shoot innocent people?" click Read more..
Egyptian Doctor Develops Life Saving "Double Heart" Technique

Muslim Doctor Invents "Two Heart" System - Saves Baby Girl
"Double Heart" design offers amazing solution for major heart problems.
Women Enter Islam

18 Women Convert Stories

* Former Jew * Jenny * Helena * Karima Slack * Erin/Sumaya * Laura * A Kiwi * Ex-Atheist
Muslim Sisters: Filipinos, Germans, Jews, Latinos, Kiwis, Aussies, Canadians more..

British Doctor Became Muslim

Dr. Ian Weber Accepts Islam
(Arabic Translation in Video)

When I met Teriq, while visiting Lebanon, he helped me to understand and.. [Video click here]