Europe': Ultra Liberal - Ultra Conservative
Or Just Plain Anti-Islam?
Reports across Europe indicate the former liberalist attitude once prevalent..
..in the past, is quite the opposite today. At least - when it comes to Muslims and Islam. Recent events make it clear, the once "liberal and tolerant" society of Europe, has now taken up the "cross" (or Darwin's monkey?) against the traditions of Muslims and Islam. Although it disapproved of the ban, the Swiss government was obliged by law to accept the result of the referendum. "The government respects this decision. Consequently the construction of new minarets in Switzerland is no longer permitted," it said in a statement. The Swiss Justice Minister, Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, said the decision was "not a rejection of the Muslim community, religion or culture". Switzerland's Muslim population is comprised mainly of Turks, Bosnians and Albanians. Many are refugees from the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s. According to government statistics, fewer than 13 per cent practise their religion. None of the country's mosques,including the four that have minarets, broadcast the call to prayer in public. The Swiss government had urged voters to reject a ban on minarets, fearing unrest within the Muslim community, damage to Switzerland's image abroad and an economic boycott by wealthy Muslims who bank, shop and take holidays in the country. The referendum has also received wide coverage in the Muslim media. |