AI - From Muslims?

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ai from MusliimsREALLY?

Muslims contributed to development of AI
- both historically & in modern times -

1️⃣ Early Contributions to - AI Concepts

AI - is new, as a technologyBut, the entire foundation: logic, mathematics, and algorithms developed and prepared by Muslim scholars centuries ago:

  • Al-Khwarizmi (9th century) – The father of Al-Khwarizmi (his name [al-khawrithms] is where we get the word "algorithm"). His work in algebra and computation paved the way for modern computer science.
  • Ibn Sina (Avicenna, 10th–11th century) – Explored human cognition and reasoning, which inspired fields like machine learning and decision-making systems.
  • Al-Farabi (9th–10th century) – Studied logic, knowledge processing, and human intelligence, ideas that align with AI development.

2️⃣ Modern Muslim Contributions to AI

Today, many Muslim scientists, engineers, and researchers are working in AI in fields like natural language processing, machine learning, and ethics in AI. Some examples:

  • AI researchers in the Middle East are working on Arabic-language AI models to improve speech recognition and machine translation.
  • Muslim scholars in AI ethics are addressing the moral and Islamic perspective of AI, including fairness, privacy, and the impact of automation.
  • Muslims in Silicon Valley are actively involved in AI projects at Google, Microsoft, OpenAI, and other major tech companies.

3️⃣ AI and Islam: The Future

Muslims are actively shaping AI while ensuring it aligns with ethical values and justice. The big question is:
How can AI serve humanity in a way that is beneficial and just, rather than harmful and exploitative?

Like to explore how AI could be used for dawah and spreading Islam? 😊

Here you go . . (next week)

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