Used 2B (continued #2)

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My mistake. I copied yesterday's work on today's pages. 
used 2B ADaily Answers to Harsh Questions

Muslims * Catholics * Protestants * Buddhists 

 This is a continuing story about a teenager who lives in the "West" and has problems in believing.

 I Used 2B Muslim )

Online conversation of a "Used 2B Muslim

7d ago  Used-2b-muslim:

    I love ancient & historical things. Spiritual aspect of religions are all fake. We can’t deny the many bad things done in the name of religions, like what Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism and Islam. This is what I hate. Buddhists don’t do wars. It has peace and love.


6d ago X-Buddhist

     Whoa! “Buddhists don’t do wars?”

1. Sinhalese Buddhists vs. Tamil Tigers?

2. Sri Lanka (1983-2009)?

3. Myanmar (Burma) vs. the Rohingya Muslims?

4. Buddhist Nationals in Thailand?

5. Tibetans attacking Chinese?

Political Conflicts around the whole world?


6d ago  Used-2b-muslim:

    Ok, I didn’t know all this. But what about people getting their heads cut off, in Quran?


4d ago Muslim-Converts:

     Let’s set the record straight. The Quran (recitation) is only in Arabic. Some verses are mis-translated 960 years ago, when English was still going through its development stages.

The verses tell Muslims how to defend themselves, in combat especially, when wearing “ihram” (garments for pilgrims): to 196 deals with superstitions people had about sighting the moon for hajj (pilgrimage), going out the back doors, fighting bandits and people when in hajj to get back their land.

Places in Quran dealing with “combat” are in self-defense.

Some translations, based on the first translation (Catholic translator) used "slaughter", instead of "combat". There is a word for "slaughter" in Arabic, we use it every Eid celebration - the word is "ذَبْح " pronounced (dhabh) . It refers to the act of preparing an animal for consumption.

Some translations also make the mistake of using the word "slay", but this is only a diminutive of the word slaughter


4d ago  Used-2b-muslim:

    But what about violence to wives, in chapter 4?


4d ago Muslim-Converts:

     Muslims are told how to deal with each other in marriage: to 35 deals with males and females in marriage. How a man treats his wife . . .

(continued next time . . )

(continued next time . . )

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