BIBLE "Cover Up"?

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Cover Up For Bible MISTAKES

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 Islam Newsroom sm

Watch how some Christians try "cover mistakes" in translations of the Bible.

Question: How is Adam the “son of God” in Luke 3:38?

38. “. . the son of Enos, who was the son of Seth, who was the son of Adam, who was the son of God.

Luke 3:38 (KJV)

Answers from "not-Preachers"

comments 4More questions from us:

(What does it mean in Numbers 23:19?)

Answers from some preachers . . (not all):

From a many preachers . .

1. “In this instance, you see a small ’s’, this for the first person on earth. That’s all.”

(Numbers 23:19? — "God is not a 'man' and God is not the 'son-of-man’)

From a few preachers . .

2. In this genealogy we see only “sons of God”. They had to be, because the precious seed (Jesus) had to come from holy people.

(All the people were “Holy”?)

From some preachers . .

3. (Adam was the first to worship God, and Abel was his replacement. But when Cain killed Abel, Adam needed another ‘replacement (?). So Adam “knew” his wife again [in the Biblical sense]  and she bore him a son, and called his name “Seth”. Eve said, “God has appointed me another seed to replace Abel, whom Cain killed.” Then when they began to call on the name of the LORD, they all became “sons of God”.)

(Seriously? Is this in YOUR Bible?)

From other preachers . .

4. "I mean when they worshiped God and believed in the coming messiah, they sacrificed animals for forgiveness of sins, and that was the accepted offering from Abel.  The lamb is always a foreshadow of Jesus."

(Again - Seriously? Is it in YOUR Bible?)

From others . .

5. Adam was son of God at creation, because he was sinless, then after the fall he was son of Satan, but it seems that he started to worship God. So, he was a “son of GOD” then.

(Where is this in YOUR Bible?)

From one particular preacher . .

6. The Bible doesn’t  explicitly say so, but from Abel and Seth and Enos did these things.

(Really? Then where was this "recorded"?)

From another preacher . .

7. Adam recovered his status ("Son of God") and likely went to heaven.

(Not in my Bible. Where is it in yours?)

Muslims have the proof (Al Quran) for Adam going to Paradise, because all the prophets of Almighty God are destined for Paradise.

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