Ramadan Advisory
Islam Newsroom {SPECIAL} - Dr. Bilal Philips "Ramadan Advisory"
NOTE: Most of you know we do not accept ads, commercials or sponsorship for our websites, broadcasts or video programs. However, this project is something highly needed by all Muslims everywhere and therefore is qualified to be included in our regular "News We Need" updates, inshallah.
Anytime is a "good time" for giving and taking good advice. Our prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, taught us:
"Ad-deena naseeha" (Our way of life is 'naseeha').
Companions asked him, "To whom, O rasoolullah?"
He, peace be upon him, replied, "To Allah, to His Book (Quran), to His prophet (peace be upon him), to the Wali-'Amr (leader of the Muslims) and to the people."
Scholars, like Dr. Philips, tell us the word "naseeha" here implies to give more than just off-handed advice. In this instance it implies sincerity and support in every possible capacity to: God Almighty, The Quran, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, to our trusted leaders in authority and to the general public.
Dr. Bilal Philips has provided many new Muslims and born Muslims alike with very sincere advice and support since coming to Islam himself decades ago. We ask Allah to accept his efforts, sacrifices and teachings and to forgive him and guide him always, ameen.
I personally have benefitted emmensely from his books, tapes and speeches from my first days in Islam until now. He is a personal friend and I consider him to be one of the best teachers of Islam in the English language.
-- Yusuf Estes, director & founder of Share Islam Project
Here are examples of his excellent advice for Ramadan (and anytime):
[This is a none paid promotional feature approved by Yusuf Estes, director of Islam Newsroom]
Except, instead of them being kings and queens, they’re normal people with royal manners.
Rather than having a majestic ceremony with unformed guards, they walk amongst us, guarded by unseen angels from heaven. who are these special people?
Can you become one as well?
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