Does VooDoo in Haiti Cause God's Rath?

"VOODOO IN HAITI - Cause of God's Rath"
Is God mad at the people of Haiti, because of "shirk" (voodoo, idolatry, false gods)?
Could this be why all the earthquakes and deaths?
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It is very common to see how the mosque are collecting money for Haiti, despite the millions given by the world. We the Muslims are in desperate need for money both in the west and the rest of the Ummah. Organizations like CAIR, ISGH, Global relief etc are not spending our money appropriately which makes me think twice next time I heard the call for donation.
If we the Muslims are ok and don't need any help, then it is good to help others like Haiti. But how many Muslim families in USA,Canada, Mexico ,Europe, Africa, Kashmir are dying from hunger or cold, or no found for masjids?
Did you know that the dominant religion in Haiti is Voodoo ,full of shirk and ... . That kind of explains a lot. take a look at Wikipedia:
Now tell us your opinion. How should Muslims reply to these statements? Do we need to take care of Muslims at home first? Or should donations be given to these charities this type disaster?
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