New Arabic University in NY? YES

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There's A New School
with "Old-School" Teachings in
Queens, NY

Located on Steinway St. just across from Iman Masjid, you may be surprised to learn about "learning". There is a place known as

"Source of Knowledge" geared toward non-Arabic speakers who desire to know and understand Arabic in general and Islam in particular.
Their claim is:
"Knowledge Unleashed is the dynamic inspiring show that will boost your iman. Broadcasted periodically, you will have the opportunity to watch the show live for FREE wherever you can get an internet connection! Share your experiences here!"

Their testimonials read as follows:
"Teaching at the Foundation is great! " Ousmane Ndiaye
"Well planned sections and lessons." Talibudeen McCutchen
"It is the best curriculum I have seen." Abdul-Wali Figueroa
"In four other Arabic classes I have taken before, I never got past 'Mudaf wa Mudaf Ilay' ".  Iqra Bandukra
The curriculum is really well thought out and compiled." Iqra Bandukra

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