She had prepared a beautiful fully
carpeted nursery room, filled with baby-blue color, decorated with
wallpaper that spells joy, happiness and love.
The babies’
clothes are ready to be worn; a rocking chair is set for her to lullaby
her baby. The cot is there with the fluffiest pillow and mat she could
find. Even the stroller is waiting for the baby.
Just one thing is missing. Her son. Her precious little son.
could not bear it anymore that Sunday afternoon. She felt that her
faith was going downhill and she hated the whispers of Shaytaan that
seem to be haunting her mind. So, she picked up the phone and called
her best friend, Saira.
“ It’s too hard, Saira. I don’t think I can take it anymore.” Selina sobbed uncontrollably.
I know it must be very painful for you. I cannot say I can totally feel
your pain, but I can understand how painful this is for you. Remember
that nothing in this world is ours dear. Nothing. Everything is owned
by Allaah and to Him we shall all return one day. It so happen that
baby Khaleed’s time has come. Be patient honey” Saira gave her usual
wise advice gently.
“I know that Saira. But my heart just cannot accept it. It just refused to…”
Saira then reminded Selina of one advice of their beloved Prophet SAW,
amazing is the affair of the believer. His affair only contains good.
If he is blessed with good he thanks God and in that there is good. And
if he is afflicted with difficulty he patiently endures and in that
there is good." (Sahih Muslim)
Subhanallaah my fellow friends, isn’t our Prophet Muhammad SAW advice wonderful?
beloved Prophet SAW says that our affairs only contain good. That’s the
keyword. Contain ONLY good. Correct me if I am wrong but it sure feels
like it means nothing bad could ever happen to us, right?
It is like a ‘Certificate of Peace-of-Mind’ with condition- patience! Think about it.
Selina, in the midst of her grief hasn’t been really thinking about
what Prophet Muhammad SAW has said. But, InshaAllaah, if she takes the
time to ponder in deeper thoughts, she would be able to find so much
peace with just this one advice.
She would understand that the
demise of her new born son was for a reason she could not understand
now, but, if she is able to endure this trial of life with patience,
she would see one day that all that had happened was for a good reason.
Allaahu 'alaam.
friends, can you too, feel the positive outlook in life that Prophet
(SAW) has given us? His words could make us dash towards future with
courage and zest written all over us! Why not, right? Should any
setback happen; we would just compose ourselves and continue with our
journey, because, hey, why worry, our affairs only contain good!
His affair only contains good. Isn’t that what Prophet SAW said? MashaAllaah, this is really great.
love the feeling of confidence that the advice has prepared me with as
I make my way through the unknown territories in my own life. No wonder
Prophet SAW used the word Truly amazing. It is just simply so true!
Let me share with you a story of a sweet grandma and
her outlook in life. Perhaps we could learn a thing or two from her.
Read on…
There was once a grandma who has only three strands of
hair. So, she decided to braid her hair. Then, the next day, she was left
with two hair so she centre-parted them. Come the third day, there was one
hair left on her, so she made a ponytail.
The very next day, she woke up with no hair, so she said, ”Finally bald! How wonderful! Now, I won't have to waste time doing my hair any more!”
Positive thinker? You bet! Truly Amazing, isn’t it?
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